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Complaints, blame don't win medals

Re: "Triumph. Heartbreak. Controversy." Aug. 5. Only hard work, physical and mental toughness will carry you through the pain to win a race.

Deer should be controlled humanely

Re: "Sonic barriers may solve deer problems," Aug. 3 The writer's idea of using sonic barriers to discourage deer and other unwanted wildlife is brilliant. It's humane, dignified and worth a try. It's got to be cheaper than trapping and moving deer.

Take another look at natural gas

Re: "Natural gas a better choice than Site C dam," Aug. 3. The writers of this article have omitted two major points. First, they forgot to consider that water cannot be exported whereas natural gas can.

Land Conservancy worthy of support

Re: "Lenders to help struggling TLC," Aug. 3.

Licence-plate surveillance more loss of privacy

Re: "Victoria's top cop stops impaired driver," Aug. 2. Chief Jamie Graham is a good cop, as he did what was needed to take an impaired driver off the road. For a while, anyway.

Trust the Charter on surveillance

Re: "Police chief backs licence tracking," Aug. 2. In addition to the law regarding the safe handling of firearms, one must assume that the Victoria Police Department also had policies and procedures concerning such matters.

Letters on pensions show sharp contrast

Re: "It's tough to live on disability pension" and "Retiring MP's pension disgusting," Aug. 3. I couldn't help but notice the gigantic difference between the two letters.

Veterans' clubs are not just about memories

Re: "Veterans' club faces an uphill battle for survival," Aug. 2.

Disability pension should be increased

Re: "It's tough to live on disability pension," Aug. 3. A disabled person spends 83 per cent of their pension on housing - try to find a one-bedroom apartment in Victoria for less than $750 a month.

Don't keep database on law-abiding citizens

Re: "Police chief backs licence tracking," Aug. 2. So Victoria police Chief Jamie Graham sees nothing wrong with the RCMP plan to collect and keep licence-plate data on people who have committed no crime.