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Deer should be controlled humanely

Re: "Sonic barriers may solve deer problems," Aug. 3 The writer's idea of using sonic barriers to discourage deer and other unwanted wildlife is brilliant. It's humane, dignified and worth a try. It's got to be cheaper than trapping and moving deer.

Re: "Sonic barriers may solve deer problems," Aug. 3

The writer's idea of using sonic barriers to discourage deer and other unwanted wildlife is brilliant. It's humane, dignified and worth a try. It's got to be cheaper than trapping and moving deer.

We have deer and a cougar in our area in Saanich, and the cougar is obviously a natural predator. Parents of young children and owners of pets must be careful.

Another writer suggests that deer are problematic. I disagree. Yes, they have to be controlled around farms. We do collide with them when driving too fast and they do nibble at our gardens.

However, I don't consider them a danger to people and pets. We have encroached into their area and need to find ways to co-exist.

I enjoy watching the deer and would be horrified by a cull. If deer can be controlled humanely by barriers and natural predation, that's the way to go.

Diana Monks
