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Avoiding phone scams

The scamsters are at it again, calling people at home and claiming they're selling children's activities books with the proceeds going to help kids in local hospitals. They don't. The sales benefit the company making the calls.

Comment: ICBC plan puts insurance system at risk

Speeding tickets shouldn't affect how much you pay in premiums

Debate draw is a good outcome for Harper

It always seems a bit goofy to be scoring a political debate like a boxing match or a dog show. But that's largely what these oneoff encounters are about.
Editorial: Why we must face the evil deeds of Kimberly Proctor's killers

Editorial: Why we must face the evil deeds of Kimberly Proctor's killers

When it turns out monsters have been walking among us, we struggle to understand. Our hearts break for those they have hurt so terribly.

Les Leyne: Fake doctor in government video spot

Can't we believe anything we see any more? When you watch a public service announcement from the provincial government featuring comments from regular people in the street, the assumption is that they're really regular people in the street.
Paul Willcocks: Harper raising trust issues -about himself

Paul Willcocks: Harper raising trust issues -about himself

It's early days, but Stephen Harper could be blowing the election. He's making himself look like someone who shouldn't be trusted to govern. Harper's harping on the threat of an evil NDP-Bloc-Liberal coalition offers the best example of the problem.

Editorial: Being prepared for the worst

Being ready for a disaster starts with you. That's one of the lessons from the horrific events in Japan. Community preparedness is vital and can save thousands of lives.

Why Japan accepted nuclear power's risks

Three Mile Island. Chornobyl. Now this. Within hours of the first reports of trouble at Japan's nuclear plants, calls for abolition could be heard around the world.

Les Leyne: B.C. is running without a government

Has anyone noticed how the politicians in B.C. have virtually abandoned government? There are 85 MLAs and most are now immersed in politics, as opposed to government. Not just politics, but internal party politics, which are the most absorbing kind.

F-35 jets and the military-industrial complex

Fifty years ago this week, on Jan. 17, 1961, Americans gathered around their TV sets to watch President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell speech from the White House.