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Comment: Earthquake insurance saves more than you know

Comment: Earthquake insurance saves more than you know

A letter-writer suggested Tuesday that “earthquake insurance doesn’t make sense.
Comment: Harper must respect tradition, time and place

Comment: Harper must respect tradition, time and place

Why was it so important to chiefs and other representatives of First Nations to insist on the Governor General’s presence in meetings with Prime Minister Stephen Harper? Part of the answer is simple: The Governor General represents “Her Majesty the Q
Les Leyne: Hollywood hunts for more tax breaks

Les Leyne: Hollywood hunts for more tax breaks

The B.C. film industry — what’s left of it — has worked itself into a state about B.C. Liberal policies.
Column: Making resource-sharing work for everyone

Column: Making resource-sharing work for everyone

If one mentions resource-sharing with First Nations, this line is about where the conversation would end.
Goal wait.

Goal wait.

And so it begins... With the introductions done and the fitness test complete...all I have to do now is wait. Haven't connected with my dietitian or my trainer yet, but I may as well get things started on my own.
Toaster logic.

Toaster logic.

It is important for me to make good choices. For example, eat healthily, exercise as much as I can, get enough sleep ....don't have Malbec for dinner etc. Today for breakfast I made an astonishing decision...to only have one piece of bread.
Mark Milke: Aboriginals fare better outside reserves

Mark Milke: Aboriginals fare better outside reserves

With all the attention paid to the Idle No More movement and the tenuous talks between some native chiefs and the prime minister, one basic fact about aboriginal life in Canada has been forgotten: Most aboriginals do not live on reserve and seem to b
Janet Bagnall: Haiti deserves the opportunity to rebuild

Janet Bagnall: Haiti deserves the opportunity to rebuild

Speaking of garbage — which Canada’s International Co-operation Minister Julian Fantino was doing when he criticized Haitians for the state of their streets — Oxfam Quebec’s director in Haiti, Claude Saint-Pierre, 56, described the situation in the s
Was fitness testing supposed to be all Star Warsy...or was that just me?

Was fitness testing supposed to be all Star Warsy...or was that just me?

Feeling pretty chuffed to be getting fitness tested at PISE ...in fact, I was feeling kinda like "ya, that's right...I have yoga pants on...I'm wearing sneakers...I bought a sports bra for the occasion...check me out, I'm all Simon Whitfieldy .
And now for something completely different...

And now for something completely different...

Why yes, this is a children's train So...I'm pretty much used to taking shortcuts, elevators, escalators, people movers, small children's trains, taxis, golf carts, trollies, metros and cars to get to where I want to go.