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Your Good Health: Blood in urine can be sign of bladder cancer

Your Good Health: Blood in urine can be sign of bladder cancer

Dear Dr. Roach: My husband is 55 years old. He was in the hospital about a year ago for a mild heart attack. At the time, a urine test was performed and a small amount of blood was detected in his urine.
Your Good Health: Fructose not a common trigger for migraines

Your Good Health: Fructose not a common trigger for migraines

Dear Dr. Roach: Is it true that fructose is a trigger for migraines? L.J.S. Migraine headaches are a form of episodic headache, often associated with nausea, as well as sensitivity to light and sound.
Your Good Health: Unexplained weight loss often sign of serious illness

Your Good Health: Unexplained weight loss often sign of serious illness

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 72-year-old man in good health. I have lost about 12 pounds in the past year, with no explanation. I鈥檓 5 feet, 9 1/2 inches tall, and my morning weight has dropped from 166-168 pounds to 154-156 pounds.

Your Good Health: Hormone replacement therapy best treatment for hot flashes

Dear Dr. Roach: If women are prescribed a hormone replacement for hot flashes, do the hot flashes return once the medicine is discontinued.
Your Good Health: Regular exercise brings sense of confidence, well-being

Your Good Health: Regular exercise brings sense of confidence, well-being

Dear Dr. Roach: After reading several of your columns, where readers asked if they are too old for some activity, I wanted to make older adults aware of their untapped reservoir of energy and ability.
Your Good Health: Antiviral drugs reduce frequency of herpes outbreaks

Your Good Health: Antiviral drugs reduce frequency of herpes outbreaks

Dear Dr. Roach: I am 57 and finally divorced my cheating husband a year ago. Now that I am interested in dating again, I went for a consultation and exam with my gynecologist, complete with STD testing.
Your Good Health: Damaged veins lead to swelling after blot clot removed

Your Good Health: Damaged veins lead to swelling after blot clot removed

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a 76-year-old man. Some time ago, I had a blood clot in my leg. Doctors removed the blood clot and now the blood flow in my leg is back to normal, but my foot swells up every time I stand on it.
Your Good Health: This year, getting the flu shot is a must

Your Good Health: This year, getting the flu shot is a must

Dr. Roach writes: Every year around this time I write a column on the different flu vaccines that are available. Before doing so this year, I want to implore readers to get their flu vaccine. If you have never gotten one, now is the time.
Your Good Health: Joint injection will ease pain during physical therapy

Your Good Health: Joint injection will ease pain during physical therapy

Dear Dr. Roach: I have been diagnosed with frozen shoulder after an X-ray by an orthopedic doctor. He sent me to physical therapy, but this is the slowest recovery and the most agonizing pain.
Your Good Health: Heart condition in teens often caused by virus

Your Good Health: Heart condition in teens often caused by virus

Dear Dr. Roach: In September 2017, my son, then 17, was rushed to a nearby children鈥檚 hospital and ultimately diagnosed with myocarditis, but did not have a biopsy.