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Your Good Health: If you have unopened N95 masks, give to a hospital

Your Good Health: If you have unopened N95 masks, give to a hospital

Dear Dr. Roach: With all the misinformation flying around, can you comment on whether it鈥檚 a good idea to wear N95 masks if you have them on hand? F.C.
Your Good Health: Cancel tennis game with friend whose son has COVID

Your Good Health: Cancel tennis game with friend whose son has COVID

Dear Dr. Roach: I am scheduled to play tennis with my friend tonight. His son tested positive for COVID-19 and is symptomatic as of yesterday. He has not seen his son for at least one week before the diagnosis.
Your Good Health: How to take pills when swallowing is difficult

Your Good Health: How to take pills when swallowing is difficult

Dear Dr. Roach: I am 78 and have some difficulty swallowing. I must take calcium and magnesium tablets, and they are very large. I have to chew them to get them down but they taste awful. Any suggestions? P.P.L.
Your Good Health: Healthy diet, exercise can lower blood pressure

Your Good Health: Healthy diet, exercise can lower blood pressure

Dear Dr. Roach: A friend was diagnosed with high blood pressure several years ago and has been on a hypertensive drug since then. However, over the past years, he has lost over 50 pounds and is no longer overweight. He works out every day.
Your Good Health: Determining cause of leg pain will help decide treatment

Your Good Health: Determining cause of leg pain will help decide treatment

Dear Dr. Roach: I鈥檓 an 88-year-old woman in good health except that I have had a lot of leg and back pain in the past two or so years. I had spinal stenosis, and I have arthritis as well.
Your Good Health: Pinguecula doesn鈥檛 affect vision

Your Good Health: Pinguecula doesn鈥檛 affect vision

Dear Dr. Roach: I am under the care of an ophthalmologist, and on a routine exam I was told that I have pinguecula of the eyes. What does this mean? I was given artificial tears and am to follow up regularly.
Your Good Health: Shingles vaccine has only been tested on people over 50

Your Good Health: Shingles vaccine has only been tested on people over 50

Dear Dr. Roach: In your recent column referring to the shingles vaccine, you do not mention younger adults. My son had a very bad case of chickenpox when he was only six months old.
Your Good Health: Doctors must rely on scientific evidence, not gut feelings

Your Good Health: Doctors must rely on scientific evidence, not gut feelings

Dear Dr. Roach: Is there a difference between COVID-19 treatment in academia vs. the real world? I had a telemedicine appointment the other day to see my internist, and he said to call right away if I developed symptoms consistent with COVID.
Your Good Health: Risks of meds weighed against risks of inaction

Your Good Health: Risks of meds weighed against risks of inaction

Dear Dr. Roach: Why don鈥檛 you inform your patients about Fosamax causing a stroke? This is well studied, and my mother is currently hospitalized from stroke, most likely from Fosamax.
Your Good Health: Should doctor tell patient about miniscule cancer risk?

Your Good Health: Should doctor tell patient about miniscule cancer risk?

Dear Dr. Roach: Recently I had a sudden onset of appendicitis and was operated on the following day laparoscopically.