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Your Good Health: Don't fear radiation from CT scan

Your Good Health: Don't fear radiation from CT scan

Dear Dr. Roach: My doctor has recommended a CT calcium scan, but I have cancelled the scan because I am worried about the high radiation dose.
Your Good Health: Men and women have different cholesterol risks

Your Good Health: Men and women have different cholesterol risks

Dear Dr. Roach: I am confused about overall risk for heart attack and stroke for my husband and I based on our cholesterol numbers and other risk factors.
Your Good Health: COVID vaccine side-effects can vary

Your Good Health: COVID vaccine side-effects can vary

Dear Dr. Roach: My neighbor was very ill with COVID-19 about three months ago. He has now mostly recovered. He had his first vaccine shot recently and had a severe reaction — so severe that when he contacted his doctor he was sent to urgent care.
Your Good Health: Fully vaccinated families shouldn't fear visit

Your Good Health: Fully vaccinated families shouldn't fear visit

Dear Dr. Roach: I have a vaccine-related question for you that also might be of general interest. My sister and I are planning to go see my father on his birthday in Michigan. We have been vaccinated, and my father and his wife have been vaccinated.
Your Good Health: Beta blockers improve survival in people with history of heart attack

Your Good Health: Beta blockers improve survival in people with history of heart attack

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a very active 66-year-old man who had three stents put into my right coronary artery about 10 years ago after I had two heart attacks. I have not had any problems since then.
Your Good Health: Stool softeners are safe to use and do not cause habituation

Your Good Health: Stool softeners are safe to use and do not cause habituation

Dear Dr. Roach: I’m an 84-year-old man who has recently found relief from lifelong strain in bowel movements by using stool softeners. I would like to know if they’re habit-forming if taken once a day.
Your Good Health: Vaccinated person still needs to isolate if they have COVID

Your Good Health: Vaccinated person still needs to isolate if they have COVID

Dear Dr. Roach: If a patient has been fully vaccinated with one of the COVID-19 vaccines within the past three months and subsequently develops symptoms of COVID-19 and tests positive, does this patient need to quarantine/isolate? Why or why not? C.
Your Good Health: Risk of bleeding, puncture very low in colonoscopy

Your Good Health: Risk of bleeding, puncture very low in colonoscopy

Dear Dr. Roach: I have a colonoscopy scheduled for mid-May. I spoke with the physician assistant, and she read me the warnings about possible punctures and possible bleeding afterward.
Your Good Health: Consult a hematologist about blood-clotting condition

Your Good Health: Consult a hematologist about blood-clotting condition

Dear Dr. Roach: My father was diagnosed with protein S deficiency, but there isn’t much information on it. I’m unable to find a doctor who specializes in it or even knows about it.
Your Good Health: Benefits of lupus treatment usually outweigh risks

Your Good Health: Benefits of lupus treatment usually outweigh risks

Dear Dr. Roach: I am 79 years old, at a healthy weight, and I exercise often. Recently I had a blood test that showed several markers for lupus. The doctor wants to put me on hydroxychloroquine.