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Robot wows surgeons, but freak episodes include robot hand that won't let go, arm that hits

CHICAGO - The biggest thing in operating rooms these days is a million-dollar, multi-armed robot named da Vinci, used in nearly 400,000 surgeries nationwide last year — triple the number just four years earlier.

Your Good Health: Liver cirrhosis

Even non-drinkers can come down with this disease

FDA approves return of treatment for morning sickness, decades after false alarm over safety

WASHINGTON - Talk about a comeback: A treatment pulled off the market 30 years ago has won Food and Drug Administration approval again as the only drug specifically designated to treat morning sickness.
Tetanus: How you catch it and why you really want to avoid infection

Tetanus: How you catch it and why you really want to avoid infection

TORONTO - You do not want to get infected with tetanus. The disease, which used to kill about 40 to 50 91Ô­´´s a year in the 1920s and '30s, is now only rarely reported. In recent years, Canada has seen, on average, only a couple of cases a year.

Too many beeping hospital alarms linked with dozens of deaths in a new Joint Commission report

CHICAGO - Constantly beeping alarms from devices that monitor the vital signs of the critically ill have "desensitized" hospital workers who sometimes ignore the noise, leading to at least two dozen deaths a year on average, a hospital accrediting gr
Dengue fever cases may be nearly 4 times more common than thought, but most are mild

Dengue fever cases may be nearly 4 times more common than thought, but most are mild

LONDON - There may be nearly four times as many people infected with the tropical disease dengue globally than was previously believed, according to a new study.

Medical system in northern B.C. 'systematically helps people die,' critics say

Jackie Inyallie didn't have to die, her family says, in fact they add the 24-year-old woman's injuries should have been considered "non-life threatening.

Your Good Health: Itchiness can be caused by allergies, friction

Dear Dr. Roach: I am a woman, 52 years young, and my nipples are itchy. I would like to know what I can use to put a stop to the itching. Is this a sign of menopause? Can it be due to the dry weather? S.V.

Dr. Roach: Sometimes there’s no logical reason for heart palpitations

Dear Dr. Roach: I have a very scary situation. About six weeks ago, I was sent to a heart specialist because of a lot of heart palpitations.

Former Alberta premier Ralph Klein a recognizable face for unknown dementia

EDMONTON - Experts say Ralph Klein's struggle with a relatively unknown form of dementia called frontotemporal degeneration has brought some needed attention to the disease.