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Your Good Health: Estrogen alternatives for post-menopausal women

Dear Dr. Roach: I regularly see information and research for men with hormone issues (testosterone) and resulting problems with impotence, etc.

The Doctor Game: What makes your hair turn grey?

What is it that makes our hair turn several shades of grey as we get older? I’m sure many of us recall the first streaks of grey, realizing we were older whether we liked it or not.

Your Good Health: Dark-slide microscopy has limited value

Dear Dr. Roach: My integrative medicine MD habitually takes a blood sample from the earlobe, puts it on a slide and looks at cell activity/quality using dark-field microscopy.

Your Good Health: First step in lung disease — quit smoking

Dear Dr. Roach: Would you tell me about the causes and treatment of COPD? I would like to know if medication is available, and whether the progression of the disease can be slowed or stopped.

Your Good Health: HPV vaccine not indicated for women beyond age 26

Dear Dr. Roach: I would like a clear reason why older women who are not infected with HPV are not offered the HPV vaccination. I am a 65-year-old woman who was married close to 40 years. My spouse died six years ago.

Your Good Health: Cryoablation trial worked wonders for heart condition

Dear Dr. Roach: Twenty years ago, after an EKG, my doctor ordered me to go to an emergency room immediately. I had atrial fibrillation, and for the next 14 years I survived daily Coumadin, monthly visits to get my INR checked and two blood clots.

Your Good Health: Treatments for Alzheimer’s best when begun early

Dear Dr. Roach: My grandmother had very advanced Alzheimer’s disease when she died. My mother, who is now 60, is showing frequent signs of memory loss, but she doesn't want to admit that she has Alzheimer's.

The Doctor Game: Hell will freeze over before I stop eating eggs

Headlines fool a lot of people. In March 1984, the cover of Time magazine caught everyone’s attention. It read Cholesterol, Now the Bad News. It reported that cholesterol had been proven deadly and our diet should never be the same again.

Your Good Health: Seizures end job, cause stress

Dear Dr. Roach: I have a loved one who is male, 57 and does not use alcohol or drugs. He has been having seizures for the past eight or nine years. In the early years, they were infrequent and very random.

Your Good Health: Woman says feverfew ended cluster headaches

Dear Dr. Roach: I read your recent column on cluster headaches and would like to add a comment. I am a 56-year-old woman and started getting these headaches about 20 years old.