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Classic Boat Festival hits the Inner Harbour

FAIRS AND FESTIVALS Watch history sail past this weekend as the Victoria Classic Boat Festival floats into the Inner Harbour for its 35th year. Expect to see about 100 classic wind and power-driven pleasure craft converge in the Inner Harbour.
Some of the participants at last September's Victoria Classic Boat Festival brighten up the city's Inner Harbour.


Watch history sail past this weekend as the Victoria Classic Boat Festival floats into the Inner Harbour for its 35th year. Expect to see about 100 classic wind and power-driven pleasure craft converge in the Inner Harbour. It attracts an equal number of participants from both sides of the border.

Even after 35 years, the festival is as popular as ever, typically attracting up to 10,000 visitors.

"It is the oldest continually-operating festival in the Inner Harbour," says James Webb, one of the festival's organizers. "People seem to be drawn by the beauty, the nostalgia and the mystique surrounding these classic vessels."

Activities during the three-day event include:

- Friday: Noon: The festival officially kicks off with the arrival of the honorary Commodore of the event. Ships continue to arrive all day.

- Saturday: All day: The docks -

and some of the vessels - will be open to the public.

10 a.m. to 4 p.m.: Kids Zone area open.

10: 45 a.m.: Victoria Classic Rowing Regatta, a 3.2-kilometre race for wooden rowing shells. This race runs from Tillicum Bridge to Ship Point in the Inner Harbour.

1 p.m.: Dory races from Ship Point. Get your own team of four for a fun, fast and furious race. Lifejackets supplied.

2 p.m.: Steamboat parade along the Gorge Waterway to the Inner Harbour.

- Sunday: The highlight of the festival is a fleet sailpast at 11 a.m.

Boats will weigh anchor and cast off as soon as the MV Coho departs (approximately 10: 45 a.m.). The venerable HMCS Oriole - the longest-serving ship in the 91原创 Navy - is the salute vessel, with the honorary commodore on board.

Great viewing spots include Laurel Point and along the Ogden Point breakwater.

The annual Schooner Club and Classic Open Sail Race takes place after the sailpast.

Observers are invited to vote for their favourite vessel for the People's Choice Award.

All events are free to the public. Apart from the boats, there will be on-shore exhibits as well as works by local boatbuilders at Ship Point. For more information, go to: classicboatfestival.ca.