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A Victoria artist’s homage to Dr. Bonnie Henry

For many British Columbians holing up in their homes, watching COVID-19 spread through seniors’ care homes and communities across the globe, hearing provincial health officer Dr.

For many British Columbians holing up in their homes, watching COVID-19 spread through seniors’ care homes and communities across the globe, hearing provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry’s oft-repeated reminder to “be calm, be kind, be safe” offers a soothing balm.

Artist Sharon Montgomery of Victoria counts herself among those for whom Henry’s daily addresses to the public take the sting out of what so many are experiencing.

And so she turned her anguish into artwork, inspired by Henry and shared online for anyone to access.

Montgomery says she was into her third week of social distancing when she became more emotional about what had been happening.

“I just felt such grief for everyone and for all that we’re going through as a society right now. To try and ease my mood, I tried to think of what was making this time bearable, all the things I had to be grateful for,” the artist says.

Then she thought of Henry and Health Minister Adrian Dix, and the effect their daily updates on COVID-19 in B.C. have on her.

“I always feel so reassured and my stress lessens,” says Montgomery.

And so, the professional artist and art teacher — whose work appears on everything from textiles to ceramics, paper napkins, greeting cards and book covers, as well as in private collections across North America — did what she does best.

“Dr. Henry is so calm and matter of fact that I thought it would be nice to draw her as a way to make myself feel better. We all appreciate her so much.”

In addition to drawing a remarkable and compelling likeness of Henry, Montgomery illustrated the “be calm, be kind, be safe” quote.

Why that one? “It’s the one that I associate most with Dr. Henry. It’s also short and concise and I think most people can identify with it,” says Montgomery.

The artwork is bright and cheerful as well as serene, and shows Montgomery’s appreciation of nature — a common theme in her work.

Montgomery shared the illustrations online, and they quickly made their way into the chatty Dr. Bonnie Henry Fans Facebook group.

Initially, she turned the art into free Facebook cover photos that she made available for anyone to use, but then people started requesting prints.

She set up a offering free downloadable prints — something the self-employed illustrator and artist says she’s never done before.

“I wanted the print to be available to anyone,” says Montgomery. “Not everyone can spare money right now and I didn’t want this project to be about profit, but about our shared experience as citizens of B.C.”

In addition to the prints, Montgomery commissioned her friend Andrea Soos, an artist, and Soos’ son to hand-press a set of 60 pins, all of which sold out in just two hours. All of the proceeds from the pin sales go to FoodbanksBC.

Montgomery says that while working from home isn’t unusual for her, she’s not used to doing so with her kids and husband home all the time. Getting the inspiration to create has proven difficult.

“I’ve found it really challenging to be creative these past few weeks — I haven’t had much motivation. But when I do force myself to sit down and get to work, I really do feel better afterwards,” says Montgomery.

With so many tapping into new sources of inspiration to keep going during a time of global and local crisis, Montgomery’s art can be a touchstone for British Columbians who appreciate Henry’s calm guidance and leadership.

For artists like Montgomery, creating something out of what’s happening around her is her way to help out.

“I feel really lucky to be a visual communicator, to be able to capture moments in time in a way that speaks to people. It’s what I’ve done my whole life, and I’m so glad I could use my skillset to help out in a small way during this time.”