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Conservation-officer shortage often leaves untrained police to deal with animals

Conservation-officer shortage often leaves untrained police to deal with animals

The video is disturbing to watch. In an attempt to euthanize a mule deer injured by a vehicle, a Lethbridge police officer is seen ­repeatedly running over the animal with his truck in January 2019.
Monique Keiran: An owl, a pussycat and an ominous 4 a.m. yowl

Monique Keiran: An owl, a pussycat and an ominous 4 a.m. yowl

Mee-yowl. It woke us both. It was 4 a.m., and just outside the window, a cat had shrieked. Seconds later, we heard a sudden, brief flap of wings — big wings — beating against the pavement. Then silence. No further flapping.
Our Community: Moon festival lands in Saanich, grocers raise money for imaging tool

Our Community: Moon festival lands in Saanich, grocers raise money for imaging tool

The District of Saanich is inviting the ­public to its Moon Festival Lantern ­Celebration on Sept. 18 — a free, outdoor event being held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. It takes place at Lambrick Park and the area outside the Gordon Head Recreation Centre.
Pandemic pivot: For some, COVID-19 triggers positive life changes

Pandemic pivot: For some, COVID-19 triggers positive life changes

Disruptive, economically and personally devastating, inconvenient and in some cases life-altering and deadly: There is no question the COVID-19 pandemic has taken a massive toll.
Charla Huber: Long wait for digital vaccine passport a good sign

Charla Huber: Long wait for digital vaccine passport a good sign

This has been a week of ­waiting for me. I spent the long ­weekend at the Saanich Fair with my daughter, her friends and a ­fellow mom. I had never been to the Saanich Fair before, and there was no better time to go than the present.
Lawrie McFarlane: We get the judges we put up with

Lawrie McFarlane: We get the judges we put up with

Around 9:30 p.m. on Aug. 23, an Esquimalt woman screamed as she saw a man trying to climb through her bedroom window. Though he persisted, she managed to keep him out until a group of neighbours stepped in and held him till the police arrived.
Monique Keiran: Why did some students' grades soar when learning went online?

Monique Keiran: Why did some students' grades soar when learning went online?

Provincial health officer Bonnie Henry emphasized earlier this year the importance of B.C.’s universities and colleges returning to in-person classes due to the pandemic’s impacts on students.
Trevor Hancock: The right to a healthy environment is a vital election issue

Trevor Hancock: The right to a healthy environment is a vital election issue

Last week, I noted that none of the main ­parties — those likely to form the next government — have yet recognized and accepted the scale of the global ecological crises we face, to which Canada contributes disproportionately.
Geoff Johnson: High real estate prices make it hard to attract leaders

Geoff Johnson: High real estate prices make it hard to attract leaders

No successful organization would have become successful in the absence of ­effective leadership. That’s axiomatic. Leadership means creating a vision and planning how to execute it, securing resources and seeking and remediating errors of the past.
Diving program that teaches Indigenous youth to harvest seafood taps into ancestral traditions

Diving program that teaches Indigenous youth to harvest seafood taps into ancestral traditions

Sheltered within a large tide pool along the Wild 91Ô­´´ Trail in Ucluelet, Kenneth Lucas took a deep breath before diving five metres to the ocean floor.