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Pass the (home) smell test

Pass the (home) smell test

Fragrance market took off in the late '90s and offers ever-more sophisticated scents

House beautiful: A bamboo forest

David Coulson's Duncan home is filled with the soft rustle of the

A bamboo forest of his own

'Garden nut' harvested first crop 4 years in

How to buy a long-lasting roof

I saw a notice recently about a class-action lawsuit against a shingle company. The problem was with their organic shingles not lasting as long as they should. A couple of companies have recently come under fire with this product.

The world is getting smaller

Condo boom opens up compact market to make most of space


Mike Holmes >E2

Tuck-in and storytime in one

Blanket covered with printed story

Fabric dye keeps black clothes looking fresh

Dear Reena: I have a tip and a question. To keep my black clothes looking new and fresh, about every six months or so I put a package of black fabric dye (Rit or Tintex) in with all my black loads.

Sweet ideas for sweet dreams

Life has been a bit rushed these past few months. It's the kind of busy that causes me to turn completely inward in search of a little comfort and solitude.

Renovate or Relocate Riddle

You loved your home when you bought it. But your circumstances have changed - your family has grown or you need to take care of an aging relative. You need a bigger house.