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Renovation recycles with style

Renovation recycles with style

Second-hand materials will stretch your home-improvement budget

No strings attached

Cordless window treatments are the safest bets for kids' rooms

Illuminating ideas

Lighting fixtures help add style, colour and fun

How to grow food with no yard

Who needs a yard? William Moss believes you can grow food almost anywhere. Moss is a horticultural educator who has appeared on TV shows such as HGTV's Dig In.

Patience yields a bounty of fruit

In spite of the iffy weather during growing season, the garden produces a healthy crop


Helen Chesnut >F7

Coffee in a sock trumps odour of mouldy bread

Dear Reena: I hope that you can help. A loaf of bread was left in our bread cupboard and became very mouldy. I have not been able to get rid of the smell and cannot use the cupboard now because of this.

Tailor construction to the environment

I don't know what it is about Aug. 29 and New Orleans, but it seems like ever since hurricane Katrina, New Orleans gets hit with a major storm on the anniversary. In 2008, my crew and I were down there building a home for a hurricane Katrina victim.

Device keeps tools and supplies in place when you're working on a roof

When you're working on a roof, it's hard to keep tools and supplies from sliding off. The Bucket Buddy is designed to solve that problem.


Debbie Travis >E8