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Editorials Archive

Editorial: Ease transition for foster youth

It’s encouraging that the B.C. government plans to expand supports to young people who age out of foster care, but it would be even more encouraging if foster care didn’t automatically end at age 19.

Editorial: Use income tax to pay for MSP

The B.C. Liberal government likes to point out that we have the lowest personal income-tax rates in the country, but it’s a hollow boast, given that B.C. is the only province to charge flat-rate health-care premiums.

Editorial: B.C. legislators enjoy generous perks

Each November, members of the legislature issue reports of their doings. And each time, we are reminded that there is nothing more sordid in politics than a closeup of the way our politicians conduct their internal affairs.

Editorial: Put students’ safety first

It is not bigotry or hard-heartedness that compels parents to be concerned about a shelter for the homeless being set up near their children’s school.

Editorial: Untangle rules on derelict boats

Jurisdiction over coastal waters is a complicated issue; nevertheless, Canada is a maritime nation and it’s absurd that after all these years, effective regulations aren’t in place to deal with derelict boats.

Editorial: Cloud still hovers over Health Ministry

Another chapter has ended in the botched Health Ministry investigation that led to the firings of eight drug researchers in 2012, but the sorry saga is far from over.

Editorial: Small quake is a warning

In Victoria, things that go bump in the night aren’t ghosts — they are usually earthquakes. Just before midnight on Tuesday, another one rattled the city, reminding us yet again that the earth is moving under our feet. In this case, it was a 4.

Editorial: Wisely and slow on election vows

During the federal election campaign, Justin Trudeau was like a department-store Santa, promising a lavish array of gifts to everyone who sat on his knee.

Editorial: Fentanyl’s terrible toll

Any parent can imagine the grief and pain of a Colwood man who lost his daughter to drugs last week. Any parent can understand his plea to drug dealers to spare other families the same torment. Debbie Porter, 49, was found dead in her home on Dec.

Editorial: Judges not free of fiscal realities

An independent judiciary is an essential element of democracy, but judicial independence should not be taken as immunity from economic pressures. An independent judges’ compensation commission proposed in 2013 that B.C.