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November 9: Your daily horoscope

BIRTHDAY FRIDAY: A Venus-Mars link on your birthday indicates that affairs of the heart will go well for you over the coming 12 months.

November 8: Your daily horoscope

BIRTHDAY THURSDAY: As Jupiter, planet of good fortune, moves into the financial area of your chart on your birthday this year you will be focusing more on money matters and business issues.

November 7: Your daily horoscope

BIRTHDAY WEDNESDAY: A new moon on your birthday makes this the perfect time to start a new phase in your life. Both on a mental and an emotional level you know you need to move on and follow your dream.
Victoria violinist wins $75,000 music prize

Victoria violinist wins $75,000 music prize

Victoria violinist Timothy Chooi has earned top prize at the 2018 Joseph Joachim International Violin Competition in Hanover, Germany, a win that nets the Juilliard School student $75,000 for his efforts.

November 6: Your daily horoscope

BIRTHDAY TUESDAY: You have always been a creative sort but over the next 12 months your ability to make something out of nothing will increase dramatically.

November 5: Your daily horoscope

BIRTHDAY MONDAY: Most things will come easy to you over the coming year but one thing will take a bit of effort - and, wouldn't you know it, that is the most important thing by far. Give it everything you've got, then give it a bit more.

November 4: Your daily horoscope

Week Ahead Stars for Sunday, November 4th BIRTHDAY SUNDAY: Try not to be too cautious over the coming year. So many times in the past you have played safe and then, later on, wished you had been a bit more adventurous.

November 3: Your daily horoscope

BIRTHDAY SATURDAY: This could be and should be one of the very best times of your life. All that is good about your sign — your courage, your confidence, your self-belief — will carry you forward like never before.

November 2: Your daily horoscope

BIRTHDAY FRIDAY: Life should be good for you at the moment and according to the cosmic picture on your birthday it will get even better over the next few months.

November 1: Your daily horoscope

BIRTHDAY THURSDAY: You will be in the public eye a lot this year, which at times you will enjoy but at other times you will hate. Like it or not you can't have one without the other.