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Rolling into summer with Bike Ride

I've said it before, but here it is again: Theatre Skam's Bike Ride is my favourite summer event.

I've said it before, but here it is again: Theatre Skam's Bike Ride is my favourite summer event.

What's not to love? Twelve mini performances – including spoken word poetry, music, dance and drama – a spectacular setting along my favourite stretch of the Galloping Goose, and (of course!) all those smiling people on bikes.

For those not familiar with the annual , now in its fifth year, here's a primer: Attendees gather at Cecilia Ravine Park, near the Selkirk Trestle. They pedal off on four tours, taking in three shows each time. It's fluid – you can go in any order, on all or some of the tours, taking as much or as little time as you'd like.

The shows are placed along a mostly flat four-kilometre route, though with the back and forth to the main hub, you'll log a more than that. Bike decorations and refreshments are available at the hub, which hosts its own musical entertainments, turning the whole thing into a rolling festival.

Beware of other trail users, who will either be charmed or annoyed by the goings on, and try not to stop in the middle of the trail. (Tip for other trial users: this is not the time to be racing through this section.)

Every show has its charm, but I particularly enjoyed What Noise is This, a Shakespearean rap duel, Community Outreach for its thought-provoking turns, and Harvey and Antonia Bug Out.