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Unrealistic prices hurt ordinary Victorians

Re: “Too many can’t afford to buy healthy food,” editorial; “CRD is taking action to meet the region’s climate emergency,” comment, April 19.

Re: “Too many can’t afford to buy healthy food,” editorial; “CRD is taking action to meet the region’s climate emergency,” comment, April 19.

I read with interest the realistic editorial addressing the unaffordability of being able to follow the 2019 Health Canada Food Guide. The editorial writer pointed out how unrealistic this is for half the working class and pensioners.

Then I read Capital Regional District chairman Colin Plant’s unrealistic article on how the CRD is “boldly” taking action to meet the “climate emergency” in our region. The CRD is already boldly emptying our bank accounts with its continued increases, all in the name of the great “climate emergency” hype.

One almost has to recover from shock after reading the utility bill as the demands increase. And this is not going to stop as the sewage-project price increases. Once again, the working class and pensioners are targeted and there appears to be no stopping, all in the name of “climate emergency.”

The editorial was right in reminding us that there is an impending federal election in the near future. Those of us who care about realistic affordability addressing climate change need to remind our politicians that unrealism is not a vote.

We can only do this by being as brave as Alberta voters and having a large voter turnout. Only this can save us from financially drowning.

Rob Campbell
