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Letters July 16: Where Maritime Museum belongs; impact of social isolation

Maritime museum belongs by the water Re: “Maritime Museum of B.C. charts course for Langford,” July 10. It is simply incomprehensible to me that the Maritime Museum of B.C. is moving to Langford.
An artist's rendering of the 91ԭ Maritime Centre, at 790 McCallum Rd. in Langford, which would house the Maritime Museum of B.C. along with a performing arts centre, conference centre and office tower.

Maritime museum belongs by the water

Re: “Maritime Museum of B.C. charts course for Langford,” July 10.

It is simply incomprehensible to me that the Maritime Museum of B.C. is moving to Langford. It is almost as incomprehensible that Victoria is allowing it to happen.

A perfect location exists in the Steamship Terminal Building. Put both under the auspices of the Royal B.C. Museum and you have a world-class facility on the water, where it belongs.

I have been to maritime museums around the world, including on our own east coast in Halifax. None — not one — is inland, 15 kilometres from the ocean.

What are the museum board members thinking? It seems they are easily seduced by a modern and spacious building, yet giving no thought to the tourism it would need to finance its operation.

Will cruise ship passengers bus out to Langford to visit a maritime museum?

Any other tourists who have come to Victoria?

And the mayor and Victoria council sit idly by and let this gem get away? I just don’t get it (shakes head).

Jim Parker
James Bay

Lessons from Barcelona’s museum

Re: “Maritime Museum needs to be in Victoria,” letter, July 14.

I agree with everything the letter-writer says regarding the Maritime Museum of B.C. moving to Langford.

I suggest that Victoria councillors and anyone else who has control over the placement of the museum read about Barcelona’s wonderful maritime museum on the waterfront at the end of the city’s main street.

When I was there, the museum’s location was a deciding factor in my visiting it, and I am sure that such a visit would not have taken place if it were located 15 kilometres inland from the city centre.

For many historic and economic reasons, Victoria should house the Maritime Museum in a waterfront location.

Norma Martin

Educate public about phone scams

Re: “Seniors warned of ‘grandson’ telephone scam,” July 15.

I was sorry to read about someone losing $5,000 to telephone scammers.

I receive scam calls almost every day and no longer answer if I don’t know the caller. So far, I have had fake calls from my “favourite granddaughter,” Revenue Canada, my bank, my credit card company and others.

I have been told that the police are coming, but have waited so long for them the doughnuts have gone stale.

It is past time that our governments take this seriously. It is clear that phone scammers have learned to operate beyond the reach of 91ԭ law enforcement.

There should be regular prominent public service warnings in newspapers telling people how to handle the various types of fraud.

For those who don’t read papers, regular television spots should carry the same message.

For new immigrants, the warnings should appear in the media of assorted languages. It is time to fight back against telephone fraud.

Joel Newman

Stop talking about it, just pave the E&N

I am tired of reading opposing sides of the E&N Railway debate.

I propose that it be paved and use buses on it, and maybe use it as a diversion when the Malahat is closed by an accident.

If the road is not wide enough for two-way traffic, designated passing spots could be used.

P.F. Hermans

Don’t build bike lane on Kimta Road

Re: “Richardson Street already safe bike route,” letter, July 15.

I totally agree with the letter-writer’s comment on Richardson Street.

Kimta Road should also be left alone.

Spend the money on something more worthwhile.

James Dykes

Strange times illustrated in headlines

Seen in the Times 91ԭ print edition on Tuesday, June 14:

Page A3 — Businesses in province-run hotels suffering

Page A3 — Some Beacon Hill campers say relocating within park not safe

Page A5 — Councillors: End police street checks

So, the businesses that pay the taxes but don’t have a vote are going broke, the people we throw millions of dollars at want to tell us what to do, and the people who got elected to run the city want the police to stop street checks that keep us safe.

Am I the only one who thinks this is a little odd?

Ivan Crossett

Misinterpreting the social isolation article

Re: “Social distancing is hurting mental health of young people,” editorial, July 10.

I read the Lancet article regarding social isolation, and I think you missed a key phrase. “However, the decrease in adolescent face-to-face contact might be less detrimental due to widespread access to digital forms of social interaction through technologies such as social media.”

You made it sounds as though teenagers are in solitary confinement. Physical distancing doesn’t mean no social contact, it means social contact at a safe distance.

Adolescents can meet face to face masked, if closer than two metres.

I also think you’ve missed the point of physical distancing, which is: “Stop the spread of the virus!”

Viruses require a host. All humans can be hosts to this virus, regardless of age. If you are a host, you spread the virus. Being a host might not affect you, but, you are a host and this allows the virus to live and spread.

Knowing this, my motto: “Don’t be a vector!”

One of the conclusions of the article was: “Adolescent physical distancing should therefore be given urgent consideration by policymakers and the opening of schools and other social environments should be a priority once physical-distancing measures can be eased.”

They’re saying be aware of the effects of social isolation. They’re not saying reopen the schools because this population is being psychologically damaged and at less risk of disease (COVID-19) caused by SARS-CoV-2.

They also said their knowledge of isolation is based on studies with rats.

Monika Korsten

Make rehabilitation mandatory for addicts

For far too long we have been giving violent drug addicts free rein on our cities and towns.

A lot of these people refuse to go to rehab and refuse efforts to help them.

Time to put these people into mandatory rehab.

I am willing to help anyone that asks for it, but when these roving bands of criminals take over entire neighbourhoods and subject law-abiding citizens to daily and all-night-long terror, we as law-abiding citizens need to stand up and say NO!

I recommend we stop buying hotels for these people and start building large rehab and treatment centres.

We are losing all control of our society to these people and their “rights.”

The Dodd family has shown nothing but kindness,respect and compassion for the poor and homeless for many decades, and are now being rewarded with daily harassment by the very people they so strongly believe in helping.

There are homeless folks out there who wouldn’t hurt anyone and they truly deserve our compassion and help, but when drug addicts are out there causing harm and taking advantage of everyone and everything we need to stop allowing “camping” in parks and neighbourhoods.

Camping is causing nothing but problems.

Spend the money to build proper housing with supervision and care.

Joe Dingman

Scrambling to get out in front at Beacon Hill Park

It has been said that a successful politician is one who observes where everyone is heading, takes a shortcut to get out in front, and then tries to tell everyone that he/she is leading them.

Finally, after months of ignoring the concerns of citizens about the potential damage to environmentally sensitive areas of Beacon Hill Park posed by unrestricted campers — let alone the discarded syringes, garbage, human waste and intimidating behaviour that this free-for-all has resulted in — Mayor Lisa Helps and this city council is abandoning their tired old excuses and appear to be starting to be doing something to address the long-standing problems.

Could it be that the more than 16,000 citizens who signed the “save Beacon Hill Park” petition convinced the mayor and city council that they should scramble “to get out in front”?

Ian MacDonell

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