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James loses credibility with LNG

Re: “Tax credits dangled to entice LNG sector,” March 26. I read this and I just could not believe it, but B.C.

Re: “Tax credits dangled to entice LNG sector,” March 26.

I read this and I just could not believe it, but B.C. Finance Minister Carole James said it in a news release:

“British Columbians are counting on us to attract LNG investment that meets strict conditions: delivering jobs and financial benefits to B.C., creating economic partnerships with Indigenous peoples, and protecting our clean air, land and water.”

There is no situation in which LNG could possibly be good for the province of B.C. The statement above is ridiculous, putting protecting the environment in the same sentence as LNG (liquefied fracked gas). She is talking about fracking. Doesn’t she know? And, believe me, I am not “counting on you.”

I don’t know what is going on, but James seems to have sold out. She is losing credibility and voter support. Mine was gone the day Premier John Horgan announced the Site C dam was going ahead.

I want to go on record, and I speak for many people, especially seniors, that I do not want my tax dollars given to any LNG corporations. I do not agree with subsidies for development of LNG (liquefied fracked gas). If I could, I would stop paying the portion of my provincial taxes that goes to subsidize fossil-fuel corporations.

Carole James, it’s time you woke up and started serving the voters of this province.

Georgina Kirkman
