Re: “Kenney plans strategy, not revenge,” letter, April 24.
The letter-writer suggests most people in B.C. support bitumen pipelines, which I doubt. Most people I know see climate change and expansion of bitumen pipelines as serious challenges.
We have one the worst reputations in the Western world for greenhouse-gas pollution. Our national long-term planning is not addressing this, but is subsidizing the oil industry and not investing enough in a sustainable future with alternatives.
The money and political pressure of Alberta (which is missing its past affluence) makes headlines. What should have made the headlines was found on page B3 of the Business section (“Oilsands greenhouse gas emissions underestimated”).
Federal research suggests Alberta greenhouse-gas emissions could be significantly higher than industry reports — one-third more carbon dioxide per barrel from four major oilsands mines than was reported — which could point to a major need for an outside objective analysis of this complex problem.
Canada is failing in its duty to diminish greenhouse gases and limit the damage of climate change, not only to Canada, but to our planet.
Christine Johnston