Re: “Why seniors should file returns on time,” April 25.
A very interesting and timely article by David Paddon of the 91ԭ Press. However, in the sentence: “The GIS payments are reduced bit-by-bit for seniors who have other income and they’re eliminated for single people who have annual income of about $18,240 or more and couples with annual income of about $24,550 or more” is an omission that might lead some eligible seniors not to apply for the Guaranteed Income Supplement.
As the online GIS calculator states: “If your yearly income, not including your OAS pension, exceeds $18,239.99, you do not qualify for the Guaranteed Income Supplement.” (Emphasis added.)
A single senior, receiving the current OAS payment of $601.45 per month, could have an income of $25,439 and still qualify for the GIS and the other benefits it enables, such as the $45-per-year B.C. Transit bus pass.
Fin MacDonald