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Letters Nov. 25: Langford towers not a done deal yet; welcome acts of kindness

An artist's rendering of the residential towers proposed for Langford. A letter-writer suggests there is still time to reconsider the project's size and scope. VIA CITY OF LANGFORD

Still one more vote on the Langford towers

Re: “Langford OKs towers up to 24 storeys,” Nov. 23.

The statement that Langford has approved two high-rise tower projects is incorrect as there is still one more vote to be held for final adoption of each of the proposals.

Residents will continue to hold out faint hope that the remaining councillors join their two colleagues in acknowledging that these two developments are too high and too dense for our community and will place a great strain on the infrastructure and services such as fire, police, ambulance and health care.

A final vote against will also acknowledge, as councillors Denise Blackwell and Lillian Szpak have expressed, that residents have not been allowed in any meaningful way to help create the future vision for Langford through open houses or surveys since the formation of the official community plan in 2008.

Thirteen years is too long without the opportunity to consult with our elected leadership and express our views on where density should happen and what it should look like, as well as addressing the other needs of the city such as playgrounds, natural green spaces, bike lanes and sidewalks.

The people calling in to support these proposals, with very few exceptions, were real-estate agents, developers, investors, builders, insurance brokers and non-residents from the Island as well as from the mainland. The people asking council to finally listen were the neighbours of these two projects, who will be directly and significantly affected by these developments, as well as other residents who observe every day the detrimental effects that the rapid, continuing development throughout Langford is having.

Laurie Plomp

Random acts of kindness following the floods

A friend of mine had lost his effects in the recent floods. The water backed up through the sewage tank and flooded his basement apartment.

We took him to Mark’s in Sidney to buy him a change of clothes. When I explained his situation to their management, they immediately offered us a substantial discount as well as providing details of appropriate government support programs.

As they were explaining about these programs, a stranger said he’d overheard my friend’s situation, handed us a coupon for $150, and quietly walked away.

What can I say but thank you to both parties. There is still much kindness alive in the world.

Chris Scattergood

Find a real solution for mental-health issues

Re: “Courtroom sentencing becomes violent,” Nov. 23.

This is yet another example of our failure to address mental health in our society.

The tragedy about what has happened to one of our officers is not only unacceptable, it show a dereliction of duty by our governments to protect the people who are meant to protect us. Not to mention protecting the mentally ill.

Sending a mentally ill person to jail is not the answer and everyone is aware of that. So why do we continue to do it?

Maybe we should be looking for a real solution instead of a bad one. Is anyone in government listening?

Ian Gordon

Simple Google search would back up statement

Re: “No doctors plus no action equals no doctors,” commentary, Nov 20.

A reader response to my commentary cast doubt on the one study I referred to that showed increased death rates related to having no family doctor.

The word limit for op-eds precluded my mention of dozens of such studies confirming increased mortality rates related to lack of primary care/continuity of care. Most can be found by a simple Google search.

The reader’s solution to increase family doctor salaries by 10 per cent is simplistic but a useful starting point.

Dr. Adrian Fine

Police should take immediate action

Re: “Saanich police look at criminal charges after protesters block Pat Bay highway,” Nov. 23.

Although the police stated that the protest was unsafe and unlawful, no arrests were made. Charges could be recommended to Crown counsel after a criminal investigation is carried out.

The police stood by and watched as the anarchists shut down the highway for many hours, doing nothing. This unsafe and illegal protest did more than inconvenience people — many people were unable to get to the Saanich Peninsula Hospital in time, or make their ferry or airport connections.

How about the police arresting all the protesters on the spot, clearing the highway and reopening this vital transportation link immediately? It’s time to show these anarchist hooligans that their actions will not be tolerated.

Richard Lewanski

Stopping those vehicles is climate hypocrisy

So in their infinite hypocritical wisdom, protesters figured a blockade Sunday night on the Pat Bay Highway would be a good thing to do.

If you’re protesting fossil fuels, how does the stopping and idling of hundreds of cars make any sense? Hypocrisy is how.

Why were they allowed to continue this charade? I bet if I was out there with a protest sign for fossil fuels I’d have been shuffled into the back of a cruiser in minutes.

Why wait to charge them criminally? Load them into paddy wagons and get them out of there immediately.

How about the safety risk for drivers who needed to catch a ferry to the mainland for medical appointments on Monday morning? Flights out of YYJ that evening?

With West Saanich Road also closed, it even compounded the situation more. It’s getting tiresome that these “professional” protesters continue to get away with these antics without any consequences.

Sannich police, don’t look at charges, do it! Preferably on the highway at the time before something serious does happen.

Pat Mulrooney
Brentwood Bay

The message is lost in the mayhem

I just want these road-closing protests stopped.

I have no issue with peaceful, respectful protest, we are a democracy. But, when they disrupt day-to-day life and travel time for folks, it has to be stopped.

Where are the police? Why are these protesters allowed to disrupt traffic?

All that happens is the message is lost.

Wendy Darbey

Name the offending no-vax restaurants

Re: “We have to show proof, but can’t ask for theirs,” letter, Nov. 20.

If the letter-writer had identified the “well respected” restaurant, we’d find that they aren’t so “well respected” any more. I think many of us would like to see such places named.

In the meantime, you don’t have to tell me if your employees are vaccinated. When you refuse I’ll simply assume you are not — and conduct my business accordingly.

Mike Mitchell


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