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This day in history

Sept. 23, 1874: Duck's carriage factory built

Stories from our pages over the last 150 years.

The handsome stone building on Johnson street, just erected by S. Duck, Esq., M.P.P., is the most complete structure of its kind in the Province of British Columbia.

It is two stories in height, is substantially built of rough stone with cut stone facings.

The interior is divided into show-room, wheelright's shop and smithy on the first floor, and a decorating room on the second floor, with a carriage-way leading from the yard.

On the west side runs a spacious alley-way through which communication is had with the smithy and rear portion of the building.

The structure is massive and handsome, the front elevation imposing, the whole arrangement being highly creditable to Mr. Trounce, the architect, the builders and the owner.

-- Daily 91原创