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Street race lands novice driver $368 ticket, damaged vehicle

An alleged street race between two novice drivers came to an abrupt end this week when one of the cars became airborne and slammed into the pavement, breaking its engine mounts.

An alleged street race between two novice drivers came to an abrupt end this week when one of the cars became airborne and slammed into the pavement, breaking its engine mounts.

The driver removed the licence plates from his disabled car, then was picked up by the other driver.

Saanich police found the pair a short time later in the parking lot of the nearby Interurban campus of Camosun College.

Police said one of the drivers had been reported for dangerous driving on a number of occasions. The other has had his driving privileges suspended twice.

The pair was reportedly racing at speeds of more than 80 kilometres an hour on Conway Road, a narrow and winding rural street. Signs in the area recommend driving as slowly as 10 km/h due to the many turns and cresting hills.

Collision analysts estimate that the driver who damaged his car was going at least 87 km/h when his vehicle bottomed out. Witnesses told police that the car was launched about one metre above the ground.

That driver was fined $368 for driving without due care and attention, while the other was fined $196. Both had their cars impounded for seven days.