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As deadline approaches, work on Johnson Street Bridge inches ahead

A few small steps are moving ahead as the Johnson Street Bridge replacement project moves toward Friday's submission deadline for the construction contract.

A few small steps are moving ahead as the Johnson Street Bridge replacement project moves toward Friday's submission deadline for the construction contract.

The project team has said that it would consider allowing more time for proposals if it meant lower costs.

At present, three companies are in the mi PCL Constructors Westcoast Inc., Peter Kiewit Infrastructure Co. and WCC Construction.

"We're continuing to work with the three proponents that we have," said project director Dwayne Kalynchuk. "The process is progressing."

The most recent bridgerelated activity took place overnight, with Bell Canada relocating fibre cables.

The task was scheduled to take about six hours, from midnight Wednesday to 6 a.m. today, and Islandnet.com warned customers that a network outage would result.

Telus has already worked on its rerouting.

Kalynchuk said similar measures are bring looked at by the city.

"On a municipal level, we are looking at what utilities have to be relocated for the bridge," he said.

"There are some municipal utilities, in particular, on the east side that have to be rerouted."

Storm sewer and water are among the services that will be affected.

"We'd want to do those next year prior to the contractor actually starting physical work," Kalynchuk said.