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BULLETIN BOARD The Times 91原创 has one email address for all events listings: [email protected] Include a brief (25 words or fewer) description of the event, date, time, address, price and phone number.


The Times 91原创 has one email address for all events listings: [email protected]

Include a brief (25 words or fewer) description of the event, date, time, address, price and phone number.

In the subject line, indicate your one preferred listing: Calendar, Galleries, Bulletin Board or Faith Chronicles.

Deadline is seven days prior to publication date at 5 p.m., earlier submissions are helpful.

Mail to Times 91原创, Box 300, Victoria, B.C., V8W 2N4, Attn. Listings. Fax to: 250-380-5353. Questions? Call 250-380-5337.


Volunteer at Tango Fest 2012, Aug. 10-12. Typical roles include performer transportation, ticket takers, merchandise sales, site setup, promotion and communications, and food service. Afternoon and evening shifts (two to four hours long) will be available. Contact: [email protected] or 250-382-9676 ext 231; passion4tango.com

Oak Bay Lodge is looking for a volunteer for Fridays, 8: 45 a.m.-noon, to bring senior residents to the beauty salon (in the building).

Tel. 250-370-6642.

Habitat for Humanity Victoria is seeking volunteers for several positions: Restore sales and warehouse assistants; committee members and special events volunteers. For more information, contact Hazel Yeo, volunteer co-ordinator, tel. 250-480-7688 ext 101 or [email protected]

Concerned about homelessness?

Woodwynn Farms needs help planning an August fundraiser on the farm, a day the family will enjoy.

Orientation meetings held Tuesdays at Camosack Manor, 1035 Belmont Ave.

Contact: 250-381-1611 or [email protected] for details.

Greater Victoria Animal Crusaders, an organization providing foster homes and funding for animals in need, is looking for foster homes to shelter animals temporarily, as well as volunteers for fundraising and community events. Contact [email protected] or visit animalcrusaders.ca.

Board of Directors: Centennial Day Care Society seeks new board members interested in supporting young families and contributing to a small non-profit society. Tel. 250-479-0334.

LifeRing Secular Recovery is looking for board members and volunteers. Exciting opportunities available at liferingcanada.org/get-involved or tel. 250-598-1389.

Volunteers needed by local book reviewing newsletter: writerschoicereviews.com. Help needed with all phases, reviewing, selling ads, distribution and production. All ages welcome, contact [email protected]

Crystal Clear Drug Prevention Society seeks volunteer board members. Our mission is to stop illicit drug use before it starts. Contact Don Monsour, 250-589-1001 or becrystalclear.com

B.C. SPCA Wild ARC welcomes new animal care volunteers who are passionate about helping wildlife in distress. Visit wildarc.com to apply.

Primary Schools For Africa Society, a non-profit charity, is building schools in Tanzania and has the following volunteer opportunities: An experienced bookkeeper to work parttime, about four or five hours per month, and energetic promoters and presenters. Tel. 250-598-4207.

Saanich Volunteer Services seeks drivers, visitors and home repair persons to help a neighbour.

Tel. 250-595-8008.

Craigdarroch Castle is seeking volunteer docents and cashiers. Join a dynamic and diverse team and help share the history of Victoria and the castle to 100,000+ visitors per year.

Contact 250-592-5323 x32 or [email protected].

Seniors Serving Seniors: Return to Health Program. Volunteers needed to provide social support and encouragement to isolated and lonely seniors before, during and after a hospitalization. Tel. 250-382-4331.

Recreation Integration Victoria needs volunteers to share recreational interests with a person with a disability. Contact the leisure assistance co-ordinator at 250-477-6314 or [email protected].

Victoria Branch of Victoria's Quilts Canada makes quilts for people with cancer in B.C. If you would like to volunteer or donate fabric, batting or flannelette, email [email protected].

Knitters and Crocheters: Blanket squares needed, either knit or crocheted, or help in creating blankets. Michaels craft room, Thursday afternoons, 1-4: 30 p.m. Tel. 250-727-6786.

Volunteer at downtown's new thrift store, Out of the Closet Renew Boutique, open every day at 1736 Douglas St. Tel. 250-590-2719.

Victoria Riding for the Disabled Association provides a therapeutic riding program for children and adults. No experience is necessary (we provide training), but volunteers must be at least 16 years of age. Classes Monday-Thursday mornings and Tuesday-Thursday afternoons. Tel. 778-426-0506 or [email protected]

Volunteer Driver Dispatchers to co-ordinate drives for cancer clients to medical appointments through volunteer driver program. 250-414-4253 or see cancervolunteer.ca

Single Moms: Mentors needed for the Moms and Mentors Program, Single Parent Resource Centre. Weekly connection with mom, monthly meeting for all moms and mentors.Tel. 250-721-5995.

Capital City Volunteers seeks people to visit or drive. Tel. 250-380-0660 or capitalcityvolunteers.org.

Kids Help Phone seeks volunteer student ambassador liaisons in the Victoria area. Tel. 1-877-267-7057 or [email protected].

Volunteer Mentors needed for young people at risk of becoming involved with crime. Tel. 2503863428 or kidstart.ca

Peer Helpers - Single Parent Resource Centre seeks volunteers to help single parents using the centre. Send resum脙漏 and covering letter to [email protected] or 250-385-1114, ext. 226.


Big Brothers Big Sisters clothing drive: support mentoring programs for children in our community by donating gently used clothing, beddings and linens. We now have an attended donation station at the parking lot of 91原创 Tire, 855 Langford Pkwy, every Saturday, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. or tel. 250-385-7226 for free pickup.

Victoria Hospice Thrift Boutique, profits to Victoria Hospice end-of-life care. Help by donating better-quality fashions, jewelry, accessories, collectibles and household items. 1315 Cook St., 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday to Saturday. Tel. 250-361-4966.

EMI Gift Shop, 2334 Trent St. New, used books, clothing, jewelry etc.

Proceeds to clients of CMHA. Tel. 250-370-8497.

91原创 Diabetes Clothesline program needs usable clothing. Free pickup. Tel. 250-380-3024.

Community Closet thrift store, 435 Simcoe St. Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m.4 p.m.; accepts donations at those times. New volunteers welcome.

Church Thrift Shops

? Gordon Head United Church Thrift Shop, 4201 Tyndall Ave., Monday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 250-477-4142.

? St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Thrift Shop, 680 Courtney St., first and third Tuesday, 10 a.m.-noon.


? St. Aidan's Thrift Shop, 3703 St. Aidan's St. 250-477-2089 ext. 7. Open Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. and the last Saturday of the month, 9: 30 a.m.-1 p.m.

? Church of Our Lord Thrift Shop, 626 Blanshard St. 9: 30 a.m.-1: 30 p.m. every Friday, 250-383-8915.

? James Bay United Church Thrift Shop, 517 Michigan St. Friday, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 250-384-5821.


Nicotine Anonymous meeting, Saturdays, 10: 30 a.m.-noon at 1078 Joan Cres. Tel. 250-388-3151.

Everyone welcome.

Borderline Personality Support Group drop-in. Family/friends welcome. First and third Wednesdays of each month, 7 p.m. at 941 Kings Rd. Tel. 250-383-5144, Ext. 2127 or [email protected].

Al-Anon: Do you love an alcoholic? Do you suffer from another's drinking? Find us at 250-383-4020 or bcyukon-al-anon.org

NarAnon: For families and friends of drug addicts. Meetings Mondays, 7-8: 30 p.m., 5500 Hamsterly Rd. and Wednesdays, 7-8: 30 p.m. at Pearkes Arena, 3100 Tillicum Rd.

Tel. 250-704-2801.

For men only: An ongoing facilitated support group for men committed to living a nonviolent life style. Every Monday night, minimal cost. For details, contact [email protected]

Beyond Affairs Network - Are you dealing with the aftermath of learning about your spouse or partner's affair? BAN can help. Contact the 91原创 Island co-ordinator at [email protected] to learn more about our support group.

Sex Addicts Anonymous Victoria presents two 12-step groups to help people recover from porn, sex, love and romance addictions, meeting weekly. Tel. 250-592-1916 or [email protected].

Dual Recovery Anonymous, support group for recovery from both an addiction of any kind and a mental health issue, 941 Kings Rd., Tuesdays, 7: 30-8: 30 p.m. Tel. 250-384-4225 or visit [email protected]

Gamblers' Anonymous helps people who play until their last dollar is gone. Meets Tuesdays, 150-2101 Richmond Rd., 7: 30-8: 30 p.m. Visit victoriaga.org

Overeaters Anonymous may have the answer to problems of compulsive eating. No dues, no fees, no weighins. Daily meetings. Newcomers meeting Saturdays at 10: 30 am at Victoria Health Unit, 1947 Cook St. Tel. 250-413-3093.

Seniors Entitlement Service, assisting seniors with pensions, health care and other issues at Blanshard Community Centre, 901 Kings Rd.

Trained advocates are on duty. Tel. 250-388-7696, ext. 223.

If you, a friend or loved one struggles with Depression, come and join us.

Create connections, get support, and learn strategies from each other, Yakimovich Wellness Center 1454 Hillside Ave. next to Aberdeen Hospital, Wednesday, 7: 30 p.m.

Coffee Time. 250-208-1446


Free ESL Classes at Central Baptist Church, 833 Pandora Ave. Sundays, 9: 30-10: 15 a.m. Tel. 250-385-7786; centralbaptistchurch.ca

End Homelessness: Meetings first and third Wednesdays, 7 p.m. at Silver Threads, Douglas and Herald, second and fourth Wednesdays, 1 p.m. at Our Place., 919 Pandora Ave. Tel. 250-480-4854.


Ladies Fitness/Self-Defence. Free, meet every Wednesday, 8 p.m., 4091 Braefoot Rd. Tel. 250-882-8831.

Saanich Peninsula Stroke Recovery Branch, to assist members and their families. Mondays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Tel. 250-652-3016.

TOPS (Take Pounds Off Sensibly): A non-profit, non-commercial, affordable weight loss support and wellness education organization meets weekly. Visit tops.org, contact 18009328677 or [email protected].

Massage with Vitality Plus Program. First session is $10. Cook Street Village Activity Centre, 380 Cook St.

Certified chair practitioner. Tel. 250-590-2220 for appointment.


Evening meditation with the Victoria Insight Meditation Society, a 45 minute meditation followed by a taped talk or presenter on Buddhist teachings. Sundays, 7-9 p.m.

Lynn Wylie-Helga Beer Yoga studio, 202-1600 Bay St. By donation. Visit VictoriaIMS.org for information about our programs.

A Course in Miracles: In-depth Study of Course Principles. Mondays, 7-9 p.m. at James Bay New Horizons Community Centre. Cost: $2. Tel. 250-220-9797.

Transcendental Meditation: weekly meditation programs, beginner and advanced programs; group meditations; advanced lectures and discussions led by certified instructors.

Contact: 250-383-9822 or [email protected] or visit meditationvictoria.org

Free adult ESL classes with free childcare at SPEAKWELL ESL English Conversation Program. Wednesdays, 7-8: 30 p.m. at Gordon Head Lawn Bowling Bldg (next to Gordon Head Rec Centre). Contact 250-721-0497 or [email protected].

Victoria Pranic Healing and Meditation Centre: A compassionate, healing guided meditation. Mondays, 7 p.m., followed by healing clinic and Tuesdays, 1 p.m., relaxing lunch time experience. 839 Fisgard St. Tel. 250-590-1398.

ShoDai Meditation, Wednesdays, Cowichan University Campus, Duncan. Buddha Discovery Service, Nichiren Buddha Society, Sundays.

Details at tel. 778-722-0155 or VIRetreats.com

Buddha Discovery Service, Nichiren Buddha Society, Sundays. Details at tel. 778-722-0155 or VIRetreats.com

Free ESL classes for Seniors, Wednesdays, 1-2 p.m. in the Juan de Fuca 55+ Activity Centre, 1767 Island Highway. Membership is required.

There is financial help through the LIFE program. Learn English, make new friends and join in some of the activities at the Centre.

Modern Buddhism: Discover the power of meditation. For complete schedule of classes, retreats and special events, please contact Bodhichitta Buddhist Centre, 2020A Douglas St.

Tel. 250-592-7164 or visit MeditateInVictoria.org. Weekly drop-in classes $10:

? Mondays, Bodhichitta Centre, 7-9 p.m. or Sidney Public Library, 10: 30 a.m.-noon.

? Wednesdays: Esquimalt Rec Centre, 7: 15-8: 45 p.m. or Fairfield United Church, 7: 30-9 p.m.

Falun Gong: A special qigong method for cultivation practice of mind and body. Free.

Tel. 250-658-2089.

Way of Mastery: From sleep to wakefulness, from illusion to reality, from fear to love. Wednesdays, 7-9: 30 p.m., 415-200 Dallas Rd.

By donation. Tel. 250-920-0948 first.

Making the Divine 91原创ion: Meditation on the Inner light and sound presented by Science of Spirituality. All programs free of charge. Tel. 250-479-5731 or go to sos.org


91原创 Island Mustang Association August club Meeting: Open to Mustangs and all Fords, watch for our cars parked in the grassed area by the picnic shelter, with a hot dog barbecue by donation, followed by our meeting.

Wednesday, 6-8 p.m.at Beaver Lake picnic shelter. Contact [email protected]; details at vima.mysite.com

Local Peninsula Panthers are looking for billet families for the upcoming 12-13 Season. If you are interested in hosting a young (17 to 18 years) up-and-coming hockey player, please contact Tanya, tel. 250-889-6884.

Vic High Class of '72 40th Reunion, September 22. Contact: tel. 2503867272 or [email protected]

Free information on birdhouses and hole sizes for attracting native birds and violet green swallows. Contact: [email protected] or 250-812-6461.

Golden Rods & Reels Fishing & Social Club meets Tuesdays, 9 a.m., at 1728 Douglas St. Monthly fishing demo and instruction. For information, visit goldenrodsandreels.com.

Victoria Model Shipbuilding Society meets the second Thursday of every month at 7: 30 p.m. in the lower hall of the Garden City United Church, 4034 Carey Rd. New members welcome. Tel. 250-385-9552.

Saanich Songmen welcome male seniors who can carry a tune (no auditions). Friendly, fun group singing popular standards. Rehearse Saturdays, 9: 30-11: 30 a.m. and give concerts every Wednesday afternoon. Tel. 250-361-9878 or 250-382-3151.

Victoria Mandolin Orchestra welcomes new members on various instruments. Inter-mediate level playing and music reading. Practice Tuesdays 7: 30-9: 30 p.m. Contact [email protected] or members.shaw.ca/cmvarcoe

Village Squires barbershop chorus practises every Tuesday 7-10 p.m. at Centennial United Church, 612 David St. (at Gorge Rd. E.) Tel. 250-472-2626 or visit evg.org/vsquires