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Student inspired to make a difference

In 2002, a dynamic student in Grade 12 addressed a group of youth representing Community Foundations of Canada. His message reflected his desire to make an impact through collective giving — something he started exploring at the age of 12.

In 2002, a dynamic student in Grade 12 addressed a group of youth representing Community Foundations of Canada. His message reflected his desire to make an impact through collective giving — something he started exploring at the age of 12.

Today, Craig Kielburger and his brother Marc are co-founders of the international charity Free the Children, and the youth empowerment movement We Day.

An article written by the brothers and published in the Times 91ԭ on March 18, “Charity starts with time, thought,” shares stories of remarkable gifts and speaks to their own insight into charitable giving. The writers say: “Some stories make us wonder if big hearts are always matched with big impact.”

Not all of us are inspired to make a difference at such an early age, but with care and forethought, we can make an impact. Community foundations, long thought of for our legacy giving, have the power to make an immediate and lasting difference in the community.

If you can start with why you give, we can help with the how. Community foundations know the needs and resources within the community.

Victoria’s Vital Signs, the Victoria Foundation’s annual community report card, has become a tool that we and many other community leaders use to learn where we can most effectively invest in innovative ideas that address local issues.

Victoria’s Community Knowledge Centre (ckc.victoriafoundation.bc.ca) is a website that showcases how those organizations make a positive impact, and how you can get involved.

Long-term giving, like investing, excels when you diversify your giving portfolio. It is important to include organizations you are familiar with, but don’t stop there. Talk to your family and neighbours, and your financial or legal adviser.

As your community foundation, we can help you identify the charities that are collectively engaged in making an impact on the causes that are most important to you. There are lots of options for supporting them through a permanent, term or pass-through fund, where you can advise on the grants each year.

Tomorrow, March 31, marks the start of Make-a-Will Week in B.C. Incredibly, more than half of us in this province do not have a signed, legally valid and up-to-date will.

This is an excellent opportunity to assess how the people, charities and organizations you cherish the most will receive the most benefit from your estate, whatever its size.

Whether you want to support your community now or through your will, now is the time to consider what your story will be.

Sandra Richardson is CEO of the Victoria Foundation.