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Think green when you clean grimy grout

Do you have tough grout stains you'd love to get rid of? You can clean those stubborn stains without harsh and toxic cleaners. Fumes from many popular, chemical-based cleaners can pollute the air inside your home.

Do you have tough grout stains you'd love to get rid of?

You can clean those stubborn stains without harsh and toxic cleaners. Fumes from many popular, chemical-based cleaners can pollute the air inside your home. That's unhealthy for you and your family, and it's not the only option to clean grout and grime thoroughly.

So, I've done the dirty work for you and tested three different grout-cleaning methods to see what works best.

I focused on three areas of my kitchen's tile floor. The lines of grout were dirty from years of traffic and neglect.

First, I created a paste made of safe, non-toxic oxygenated bleach along with water. I put it along one line of grout.

Next, I created a paste of baking soda and chlorine bleach. I don't normally recommend bleach for jobs like these, because there are safer and less toxic options, but I wanted to see a side-by-side comparison.

Finally, I used a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. I scrubbed them all with an industrial brush and let them sit for an hour.

When I returned, I could clearly see which two methods worked best. The oxygenated bleach and the chlorine bleach lines were sparkling white - without much effort.

The grout line treated with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, however, was cleaner than before but not sparkling white.

My recommendation is to go with the oxygenated bleach method because it's safer and the difference was remarkable.

Another thing I recommend for every home is to create a green cleaning kit. That kit can included the oxygenated bleach I mentioned, hydrogen peroxide, as well as other effective and more natural options such as baking soda, white vinegar (which disinfects), and borax to treat mould and mildew. Not only are these options much healthier for your home, they are big money savers. For instance, a large of jug of white vinegar will cost you about $3.50. That's the same price of the leading glass cleaner that is one-fifth the size. If you whip up a glass cleaner using 1 part vinegar to 1 part water, that jug of vinegar will last 10 times longer than the store-bought one for the same price.

Of course, there are also store bought green cleaners that won't pollute your home and they are becoming easier to find. Just look for ones that are plant based and fragrance-free.

Remember, you don't need to load up on toxic chemicals when you do a deep and effective clean. Instead, do your part to make a healthier choice that won't dirty the air inside your home.