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Kyara Kahakauwila - Metchosin mayor candidate 2022

Kyara Kahakauwila




Are you associated with or running as part of a slate? If so, which one?


Do you live in the municipality where you are running, and if so, for how long? If not, what is your connection to that community?

YES, 34 years

What is your occupation, and for how long?

Self Employed, 22 years | Metchosin Councillor, 17 years

Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.

Councillor 1999-2008

• Chaired Metchosin Committees: Planning & Environment, Highways & Public Works, and Parks

• Chair CRD Arts Commission

• Chair Victoria Family Court & Youth Justice Committee

Councillor 2014-Present

• Chaired Metchosin Committees: Public Works, and Planning

• Chair West Shore Parks & Rec Board

• Governance Chair of CREST

• CRD Water and JDF Water Distribution Commissions

• CRD Board Alternate

Business & Community

• Chair WestShore Chamber of Commerce

• Victoria Hospitals Foundation “Visions” Committee

• Destination Greater Victoria Transportation Committee

• Attractions Victoria Board of Directors

• BC Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors

Why are you running? What’s your motivation?

Metchosin is my home; where I have raised my children. It does not need to change, nor can we afford it too. We have a vital role within the CRD protecting green space as we all tackle climate change. I will use my previous experience on Council and my skills as a proven leader to work with our next Council, developing polices and strategies that strengthens our ability to remain an affordable rural & agricultural community. Collaborating with Council, I will foster an inclusive and transparent environment between Council and our residents as we plan and work towards common goals.

What are your top three issues?

• Examining municipal services for our residents to ensure we meet needs while maintaining fiscal responsibility.

• Fostering positive collaboration with my Council and strengthening transparency between Council and our residents.

• Climate change — what Metchosin can do to mitigate impacts and effect change

- Develop an active transportation plan

- Supporting our local agriculture community

What’s your vision for your community in 25 years?

I envision Metchosin to be much the same in 25 years as it is today. Large tracks of forested or farmed land with protected green space and park lands throughout our community. I can see our village center thriving with a vibrant community network of artisans and small businesses. I see a strong connection with SC’IANEW Nation throughout our municipality. Locals enjoying small scale events and festivals supporting farmers, artists and local commerce. Metchosin, with proper planning and strong leadership, will remain a rural oasis within the CRD; providing much needed green spaces to encourage physical and mental health wellbeing to our residents and visitors as well as much needed habitat for wildlife and protected species.

What’s one “big idea” you have for your community?

I would like to foster a more positive relationship between Council and our residents. In order to accomplish this goal, I will:

• Collaborate with council members on a strategic plan for our term of office

• Introduce a Committee of the Whole structure that will encourage leadership growth for councilors as they take turns chairing these public meetings

• Work with Staff and Council to develop a public reporting plan for bylaw enforcement matters

• Work with councilors to ensure they are participating in committees that interests them most

• Provide an open and safe environment for discussion and debate at Council meetings