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Problem-betting cuts deplorable

It makes no sense to slash problem gambling programs just as the government takes another huge leap into expanded betting.

Thanks for the guidance, parenting experts

Bus fracas spawned much advice, mostly from childless people

Jody Paterson: Fight back

these cuts do lasting harm

Editorial: Government is not a business

The B.C. government has announced that provincial ministries will no longer be allowed to recruit or hire their own personnel. In accordance with a new "Corporate Human Resource Plan," these functions are being centralized.

A new kind of Seven Wonders that we can create

The new century is only nine years old and already our prospects for the future can seem like a montage of hopelessness and despair.

STV a chance to refresh tired politics

The abandoned stepsister of this election campaign -- electoral reform -- makes what could be her final appearance on your ballot today. The main event, another showdown between Gordon Campbell and Carole James, drew only moderate interest.

Leaders' lives show grit, determination

Gordon Muir Campbell and Carole Alison James are utterly exhausted robots by now, chanting the same phrases with glazed looks in their eyes and maniacally shaking whatever hand is thrust in front of them.

The line between political vision and nightmare

As a reporter covering many election campaigns, I used to interview taxi drivers and barbers to get a sense of who was ahead. Well, I don't get out much any more, so haven't had many opportunities to chat up taxi drivers during the B.C. campaign.

Straight talk on cuts overdue

British Columbia's economy is not getting any healthier, and that means there will be less money to run the government. That is a critical fact in this election campaign, one that will have ramifications throughout the province.

Cuts are coming -- you can bank on it

While the animated Monsters vs. Aliens plays in theatres around the world, those of us in British Columbia are getting a live-action version of the same thing.