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Spill-response ships would benefit all of us

I’m a 91Ô­´´ first and British Columbian second who supports the expansion of pipelines to tidewater. Last week, three new spill-response boats were unloaded here in Nanaimo.

I’m a 91Ô­´´ first and British Columbian second who supports the expansion of pipelines to tidewater. Last week, three new spill-response boats were unloaded here in Nanaimo. They are but some of 40 new vessels bought in preparation for the export expansion of 91Ô­´´ oil off the coast. These multimillion-dollar vessels are to remain tied to the dock and no personnel hired until the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline.

The vessels are to be paid for by a small surcharge on the additional oil that would be shipped by the Trans Mountain pipeline. Sailing by these tied-up oil-spill-response vessels are oil barges, tugs, B.C. Ferries vessels, float planes, pleasure craft and single-hulled ocean ships, all having the potential for an oil spill. Yet here these new spill-response boats sit unmanned.

Rather than trying to visualize the billions of taxpayers’ dollars per year lost due to the pipeline constraint to world markets, perhaps focus on this small, concrete example of the benefits to the taxpaying 91Ô­´´s. A safer 91Ô­´´ coast for all ocean users and at no cost to the taxpayer — why isn’t this message being promoted more to my fellow taxpayers?

These boats would also respond to the foreign-oil supertankers that skim by 91Ô­´´ Island on their way to dock at the coast.

D’Arcy Morrow
