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May 5: Does logging play a part in closure?

Re: “Juan de Fuca trail closure ‘horrible’ for businesses,” May 2. I find it more horrible that B.C. Timber Sales is logging adjacent to the Juan de Fuca trail. Perhaps the trail is being kept closed by B.C.

Re: “Juan de Fuca trail closure ‘horrible’ for businesses,” May 2.

I find it more horrible that B.C. Timber Sales is logging adjacent to the Juan de Fuca trail. Perhaps the trail is being kept closed by B.C. Parks so that the pesky tourists don’t interfere with the logging activity.

Why are Director Mike Hicks and the MLA, John Horgan, not speaking out against the logging of these magnificent trees and doing something to stop it?

I’ve hiked this part of the trail many times and it is a mess. Spoiling the beauty of the surrounding landscape for decades has far more effect on tourism than delaying the opening of the trail for safety reasons.

It seems that our economic and environmental priorities are completely backward.

Bob Peart

North Saanich