Re: “Gwyn Morgan makes reckless suggestions,” letter, May 21.
Wow, nearly a whole page of responses to my column: “reckless suggestions, antiquated views, Morgan’s answer is to do nothing, approach a clear loser.”
Experience has shown me that when people can’t dispute the facts, they attack the messenger. None of the letters questioned the facts, including the most important fact of all: There’s absolutely nothing 91ԭs can do to change the course of climate change because, if we shut the whole country down, global emissions growth would replace the emissions saved in just a few months.
Where is the anger against all those countries that are ignoring their pledge to adhere to Paris emissions reductions and are now gaining competitive advantage as 91ԭ industry takes on carbon taxes and other emission-reduction costs?
One writer fired the inevitable “climate denier” arrow, but where in my column did I dispute climate change? On the contrary, I stressed the importance of preparing for it.
The real dangerous deniers are those who keep peddling the fantasy that Canada can influence climate change, rather than taking action now to prepare for its impacts.
Gwyn Morgan
North Saanich