Re: “High-tech U.S. navy ship at Esquimalt for first foreign visit,” March 12.
It is easy to be in awe of America’s latest multibillion-dollar toy, the USS Zumwalt. It is easy to envy their military prowess and ability to project power around the globe.
It is also easy to forget that they are a crumbling society and not all the fancy hardware in the world can protect their empire from the internal rot that has beset it.
Sadly, America is not the America of our fathers. It is an America that has supported countless dictators, overthrown legitimate governments and decimated whole societies in the name of Manifest Destiny. It is also a society that elected a pathological liar and bully as its latest president, and nothing says more about the direction of the so-called American Dream than that.
I miss the old America.
Len Dafoe
Nanoose Bay