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Daylight time is not more dangerous

Re: “Winter sunrise would be at 9 a.m.,” letter, March 13. This is the standard argument made by those in favour of standard time.

Re: “Winter sunrise would be at 9 a.m.,” letter, March 13.

This is the standard argument made by those in favour of standard time. At our latitudes, for most working people, the alternatives are driving to work in the dark with daylight time or driving home in the dark with standard time.

In my opinion, it is better to drive to work in the dark when one is fresh and just starting the day, rather than driving home in the dark after a tiring day at work.

As for the children, with standard time, they might well go to school in daylight, but they might be playing in the street in the dark at the end of the day when all those tired drivers are heading home.

Saskatchewan has been on daylight time (Central Standard Time is daylight time at Saskatchewan’s longitude) since the 1960s and I do not recall reading that they have a higher rate of child mortality due to accidents than the other provinces.

Jim Koehler
