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RCMP officers offer message of hope to gay youth in video posted on You Tube

Const. Cheryl Letkeman still remembers the cruel slurs she faced while growing up gay in Maple Ridge and the fear she experienced before coming out to her parents.

Const. Cheryl Letkeman still remembers the cruel slurs she faced while growing up gay in Maple Ridge and the fear she experienced before coming out to her parents.

"It's usually not the greatest time of anyone's life," Letkeman says in a video released this week that features RCMP members participating in the "It Gets Better" campaign.

Letkeman, 42, is among 20 officers and civilian members of the RCMP to appear in the nine-minute video, each recalling their own coming-out stories.

For Letkeman, it did get better. She came out to her parents, despite her fears. She joined the RCMP nearly six years ago, working with at-risk youth in Surrey.

It was with those youth in mind that she came up with the idea that the national police force needed to join the "It Gets Better" movement with its own video.

"Dealing with kids, I see the struggles that they have," Letkeman said in an interview Tuesday.

"I think it's incredibly important for the youth to have positive role models to look up to when they feel like things aren't going to get any better."

The "It Gets Better" project was started two years ago by American sex columnist Dan Savage in response to several high-profile suicides involving teens who were bullied for being gay.

The campaign encourages users to record videos telling their own stories. So far, more than 50,000 videos have been uploaded, including from celebrities and politicians such as U.S. President Barack Obama, talk-show host Ellen DeGeneres and Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty.

Police officers in Austin, Texas, and San Francisco have released their own "It Gets Better" videos, as have members of the British Transport Police, but so far the RCMP appears to be the only 91原创 police force to participate.

Letkeman said that when she brought the idea to her superiors, they were immediately supportive. She canvassed RCMP units throughout the 91原创 region asking for volunteers, and the 20 who responded gathered over three days this summer to tell their stories.

In the video, many of the officers talk about bullying in school or the moment they came out to their families.

"They were really supportive," a homicide investigator originally from St. John's, N.L., tells the camera. "Mom was only disappointed that it took me so long to have been honest with her, and Dad was the same. And he actually said that he hoped he'd never said anything that made me feel like I couldn't have come out earlier."