Two children operating a lemonade stand on Quadra Island recently drew lots of attention, including a visit from police.
On March 17, a person driving on the Island spotted the children operating a lemonade stand on the side of the road and on a hill with a blind spot.
The individual notified police about the “possible traffic hazard” on Heriot Bay Road, claiming they “nearly crashed their vehicle due to other vehicles stopping and parking to get lemonade.”
When Quadra Island RCMP officers got to the lemonade stand, everything was in order.
“Officers arrived and observed the stand was well off the side of the road and in a safe location,” says Const. Rebekah Draht.
It’s not clear if the stand was moved after the complaint, police said.
Officers felt confident that the location of the stand was “not a traffic hazard” and that it was very unlikely it would cause a crash.