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Dave Obee: Why do people give? You might be inspired

Donate online at RapidReliefFund.ca . More options below. "Those of us who can, must.” That comment was included with a donation made to the Rapid Relief Fund, which is helping those who have been seriously hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic.
photo Rapid Relief Fund website

Donate online at . More options below.

"Those of us who can, must.” That comment was included with a donation made to the Rapid Relief Fund, which is helping those who have been seriously hurt by the COVID-19 pandemic.

It pretty well sums it up in just six words.

If you can help those who have been hit hard by the pandemic, please do so. Their need is real, and it is urgent, and the fund is designed to bring immediate relief. Those of us who can afford to give should do so, because we are all in this together.

When our neighbours are in pain, we must do all that we can to help.

That is why the Rapid Relief Fund was created by the Victoria Foundation, the Jawl Foundation and the Times 91ԭ.

That is why so many of you have already donated, sometimes two or three times.

The numbers tell the tale: More than 10,000 donations so far, and $5.3 million being put to work in our community. All thanks to you, and you.

Many of you have included comments with your donations, and they are truly inspiring. They remind us that people from throughout our community have seen the need, and are rising up to meet that need.

Where do people find the money to give?

“I did a little Easter art promotion and raised $600 for your fund. Hoped to achieve a little higher amount but Iam sure every bit counts.”

“I would normally eat a meal in a restaurant once a month, but of course we can’t do that now, so I feel that I can donate that money to others less fortunate than I am.”

“As a nurse, I don’t have to worry about not having an income, but feel for those many people out there who have lost their jobs and don’t know when or if those jobs will be waiting at the end of this. Hope this donation helps in some way.

“I received this money from life insurance following the death of my father in 2013. I put it aside and I’vebeen waiting for such a time as this when it might be needed to help others in our community. I would like to donate it in his memory.”

Why do people donate?

“Sending this cheque for all who are suffering and unprotected in this disaster. Thank you for reminding all of us who have shelter and food to share with those who do not have the basics.”

“I am indebted to all the front-line workers who are working so hard andin so many different ways to help us all.”

“Thinking of all those workers who don’t qualify for EI: the dog walkers, the choirmasters, the musicians, the teachers of piano out of their home, the hairdressers working at home, the artisans and craft makers. So many wonderful people making their contribution in their own unique ways.”

“This is to help those less fortunate especially those with addictions and those who cannot care for themselves. Peace go with you. God’s quiet within the noise. God’s hope within uncertainty. God’s rest within the toil. God’s presence within your soul. Peace go with you.”

Some people give more than once.

“I am happy to make a second donation to the fund, and to contribute to a wonderful community effort.”

“This is my second contribution and I’ll continue each month as long as the fund operates.”

“My second donation. I feel so fortunate to be able to do this.”

“My second donation to this worthwhile endeavour. Keep it up!”

“This is our third donation. Just can’t pass up those match grants!”

“To our wonderful community. For the third time, stay safe.”

“This is my third donation. The generosity of fellow Victorians is so inspiring. My dad always taught me to be generous to others less fortunate.”

“We feel fortunate that we are able to donate again to the Rapid Relief Fund. With gratitude to all our front-line workers.”

“It is amazing how quickly the Rapid Relief Fund can help those in our community. We have stepped up a few times to contribute to this fund and will be proud to do so again.”

Many people just wanted to say thanks.

Thanks “for all you are doing,” “for making life better for others,” “for helping those in need,” and “to all the essential workers.”

“Thank you for enabling me to give a bit of my abundance to others in need!”

“Thank you for continuing to reach out to so many people who are in need as well as those who are starting to be in need because of the great change in our world. May you all stay well and safe!”

“Thank you to all the foundations, charities and volunteers giving practical help to those less fortunate than me.”

“Thanks to all those who created this fund, and who generously offered matching grants. It’s a privilege to be able to contribute.”

“Thank you to all the brave souls who are providing services to the public at this time.”

Some donors have included words of wisdom, ones we all should remember in times of stress and uncertainty.

“My family and I are so fortunate to live in such a great community,” one person said.

From another: “We will get through this together.”

And finally, one to remember, today and every day: “Stay strong.”

[email protected]


Tax receipts will be issued. If you are open to receiving your tax receipt by PDF, please include an email address with your donation.

• Online:

• Phone: 250-381-5532

• Mail: Send cheques (made out to the Victoria Foundation) to RapidRelief Fund, Victoria Foundation, 200-703 Broughton St., Victoria V8W 1E2

The Rapid Relief Fund was created by the Victoria Foundation, the Jawl Foundation, and the Times 91ԭ to help people in need as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. CHEK Television and Black Press are helping to boost awareness.

Donations are being distributed through the Victoria Foundation.