A series of free Thursday lectures begins today at the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at the University of Victoria.
Paul Bramadat, director of the centre, said many of the talks will be secular, or non-religious, in approach.
Topics range from Religion, Caste and Politics in Hindu Tradition, to the Battle for the Fairytale under Lenin and Stalin. Bramadat said the lectures will have as a common theme the role of religion, or widespread social beliefs, and the interplay within society.
This afternoon's lecture will focus on refugees and radicals.
Bramadat said there is no evidence to show refugees are more likely to be or become political radicals.
Nevertheless, the prospect remains a source of social anxiety in Canada. Meanwhile, most countries have seen radicals emerge from within their own populations.
"Is there any kind of lesson to learn from all this?" he said.
All lectures will be delivered on Thursdays, at 4: 30 to 5: 30 p.m. in the Social Sciences and Mathematics Building. Go to the website of the Centre for Studies in Religion and Society at csrs.uvic.ca for room numbers and lecture topics.