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MRSA bacterium evades antiobiotics

Dear Dr. Donohue: Please inform us on the danger and symptoms of MRSA. I heard it could be found in the nostrils. I have a blister in my nostril. My doctor ignored it. How is MRSA contracted? How dangerous is it? What does it look like? A.P.

Dear Dr. Donohue: Please inform us on the danger and symptoms of MRSA.

I heard it could be found in the nostrils. I have a blister in my nostril. My doctor ignored it. How is MRSA contracted? How dangerous is it? What does it look like?


MRSA (pronounced MUR-suh) is the staph bacterium that has learned how to evade most of the common antibiotics. When penicillin was first discovered, it killed staph germs easily. With the passage of time, ordinary penicillin could not eradicate all staph germs. Some of them had become resistant to it. Chemists formulated a variation of penicillin called methicillin. It was effective against the resistant staph. But once again, some staph learned how to dodge methicillin, and became the MRSA germ, methicillin-resistant staph aureus. This new staph presents grave problems for humans. We do have antibiotics that can kill it, but it still remains formidable.

MRSA produce the same kinds of infections that regular staph produce - skin infections, boils, blood infections, infections of joints and bones, heart infections and just about the whole gamut of infections. The deadly aspect of MRSA is its resistance to so many antibiotics.

MRSA is passed to other people from those infected with it and from touching surfaces coated with it. All staph survive for a considerable period of time on inanimate objects and surfaces.

The nostrils do serve as a haven for staph and for MRSA. Between 25 per cent and 50 per cent of people have staph living on their skin or in their nose for long periods of time without producing illness. They're colonists. Some of those staph can be MRSA staph. A blister isn't a common sign of a staph infection; a boil is. If your blister persists and your doctor isn't sure what it is, then you ought to consult an ear, nose and throat doctor. Don't assume it's a MRSA infection or an ordinary staph infection.

Dear Dr. Donohue: I am glad you encouraged the 69-year-old woman who wanted to learn how to swim to do so. Many people, however, don't have access to a large pool. I would like to share my solution: I have an aboveground pool. I use a bungee cord that's as long as my height. I attach one end to my swimsuit and the other to the edge of the pool. I put on a face mask, then I start swimming.

I don't go anywhere, and I don't have to worry about gulping water. It's great exercise, even in a small pool.


You deserve a standing ovation for your ingenuity. I like the idea.

I believe I have seen college swimmers using a halter device in a way similar to your method. I'm sure many with no access to a pool will be able to take up swimming, thanks to you.

Dear Dr. Donohue: I have a friend who has been diagnosed with primary lateral sclerosis. She is 70. Would you please provide some information on it?


Primary lateral sclerosis is a little like Lou Gehrig's disease - ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. It affects only one set of nerve cells. ALS affects both upper motor neuron cells and lower motor neuron cells. A motor neuron is the kind of nerve that activates muscles. Muscle paralysis is the end result.

Primary lateral sclerosis has a slower progression than does ALS, a better prognosis and a longer predicted life span.

However, it is possible for those with primary lateral sclerosis to evolve into ALS.

There is no cure. Physical and occupational therapists teach patients how to cope with the illness.

Dear Dr. Donohue: I met a friend while we both were walking to church services. Right before entering, I felt woozy and passed out.

Naturally, this freaked out my friend. I woke up almost immediately. She wanted to call 911, but I wouldn't let her. I attended the service and felt well. I walked home without any trouble.

My friend has called me daily ever since, and insists I go to a doctor. She says I might have had a heart attack. I find that hard to believe. What would you do?


I would listen to your friend. Your episode is more in line with a faint than a heart attack. Faints are not usually indicative of major health problems, but they can be.

You should notify your family doctor of what happened, and let the doctor decide what the next step should be. A brief but thorough examination and a few blood tests will clear the air of possible threats.