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Jill: Mouth closed, wallet open.

Or.....one way to manage eating out. Last Saturday was my first evening eating out since the Challenge began. The Island Breast Strokers Dragon Boat team had a fundraising evening to raise money for their upcoming competition in Israel.

Or.....one way to manage eating out.

Last Saturday was my first evening eating out since the Challenge began.

The Island Breast Strokers Dragon Boat team had a fundraising evening to raise money for their upcoming competition in Israel.聽 The shindig took place at a Chinese restaurant 'cause you can't have a fundraiser without food.聽 Thank goodness聽 you also can't have a fundraiser without a聽silent auction!聽 Heather, from Pure Nutrition, suggested I聽eat mostly steamed vegetables and plain rice.聽 I would have too if there had been any.聽 Lovely, steaming platters of amazing food kept coming; swinging by me on the spin-o-rama table centre.聽 In another life I would have just sat there and spooned it in but I was determined to stay as true to the new rules as possible.聽 I kept my small side plate instead of using the dinner sized one.聽 Every time a new dish came out I checked it over for what I could eat, had some, then left the table and cruised the silent auction tables.聽 The upside was that I didn't overeat and didn't eat too much of the 'bad' things.聽 The downside was that I kept putting my name on bid sheets and, good golly, ended up with quite a haul.

So, there you have it.聽 One way to manage is to close your mouth and open your wallet - all聽for a good cause.

The training side of the challenge continues to go well.聽 Graham is pushing me every session and all the while being so careful of my limits and abilities.聽 I love being able to do part of each session outside.聽 One of my goals is to regain my cardio fitness.聽 The last two workouts have had me spitting sparks so I know I'm using a level of my lungs that have been somewhat dormant for a few years.聽聽 I'm happy to have a stubborn streak.聽聽Because聽聽my schedule as the聽nanny/granny changes every week my workouts are always on different days and at different times.聽聽聽It's hard for Graham to schedule (thanks聽for your patience)聽and sometimes I'm pretty tired before I even begin.聽 But shift work is a reality for me and for a lot of people.聽 It can't be an excuse for inactivity - just deal with it.

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone tonight at the Mental Training session at PISE.聽 There's always something to learn.