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Your Good Health: Major vitamin D deficiency leads to severe cramps

Your Good Health: Major vitamin D deficiency leads to severe cramps

Dear Dr. Roach: I have a severe vitamin D deficiency. My blood test indicates a level of 21. I have severe cramps in my hands, feet and legs caused by this deficiency. I know because when it is normal, I don鈥檛 have the cramps.
Your Good Health: Potential Avastin-BCG interactions a concern

Your Good Health: Potential Avastin-BCG interactions a concern

Dear Dr. Roach: I was diagnosed with stage 1 bladder cancer in April. My urologist advised me to have BCG therapy for it. I just completed six weeks of the therapy.
Your Good Health: Stress test for chest pain reveals low-risk right bundle branch block

Your Good Health: Stress test for chest pain reveals low-risk right bundle branch block

Dear Dr. Roach: My 35-year-old son recently complained of some chest pain. He went to his doctor, and it was determined that he strained himself exercising. However, the doctor recommended he go for a stress test.
Your Good Health: Blood test will confirm absorption of vitamin D

Your Good Health: Blood test will confirm absorption of vitamin D

Dear Dr. Roach: I am 60 years old and generally healthy, but my vitamin D is low (below 20). I took 50,000 IU of vitamin D2 for six weeks, then 2,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily for the past two years.
Your Good Health: CVD risk results take active seniors by surprise

Your Good Health: CVD risk results take active seniors by surprise

Dear Dr. Roach: My friends and I are athletic seniors with no health conditions. We take no medications and eat a plant-based diet. When we put our similar (all in range) test scores in the CVD risk calculator, we made an interesting discovery.
Your Good Health: Hemorrhoid treatment depends on symptoms

Your Good Health: Hemorrhoid treatment depends on symptoms

Dear Dr. Roach: Any suggestions for hemorrhoids? D.K. Hemorrhoids are normal veins located in the lower rectum. They are only a problem when they get dilated.
Your Good Health: Woman questions value of annual mammogram at age 85

Your Good Health: Woman questions value of annual mammogram at age 85

Dear Dr. Roach: I am an 85-year-old woman in very good health. I have had a mammogram done every year for the past 45 years, each scan being excellent, with no problems.
Your Good Health: Shingles contagious if you have no immunity

Your Good Health: Shingles contagious if you have no immunity

Dear Dr. Roach: I am hoping you can clarify a lot of conflicting information regarding shingles.
Your Good Health: Girl who received BCG vaccine now has false positives for TB

Your Good Health: Girl who received BCG vaccine now has false positives for TB

Dear Dr. Roach: Can you please speak about the BCG vaccine? My daughter was born in Bolivia and received it as an infant.
Your Good Health: Lyme disease can lead to arthritis in later life

Your Good Health: Lyme disease can lead to arthritis in later life

Dear Dr. Roach: What is known about arthritis later in life for someone who had early treatment for Lyme disease? I had it as a teenager in the late 1980s and was told by my doctor that arthritis could be an issue later.