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The Doctor Game: One doctor’s prescription for a long life

One: buy a scale. Obesity is a huge killer and it sets the stage for Type 2 diabetes, heart attack and hypertension. Be a smart consumer. Step on the scale each day so there are no surprises about weight gain.

Your Good Health: Woman on metformin falls short of goals

Dear Dr. Roach: My elderly sister, 73, has Type 2 diabetes, and is taking 500 mg of metformin twice a day. After two years on metformin, her fasting glucose level is only 125 mg/dl and A1C only 6.8 per cent.

Your Good Health: Low thyroid blood levels can reduce body temperature

Dear Dr. Roach: I am an 85-year-old female with an often low body temperature. I feel very warm, like I have a fever, but when I take my temperature, it can be as low as 95 or 96. This has happened several times.

Your Good Health: Measles had role in seizures later

Dear Dr. Roach: When I was young, I had mumps and chickenpox, and one type of measles (German measles?) when I was 16, and the other when I was about 18. I had three grand mal seizures within 12 months after the second round of measles.

Your Good Health: Pain from bone contusion going on for more than 2 years

Dear Dr. Roach: I injured my left shin by impact two years and one month ago, and to my astonishment, it still hurts on a diminished but regular basis. I had an X-ray, vein test, nerve test and, finally, an MRI, which showed “some swelling.

The Doctor Game: How safe are cellphones? Science is mixed

Are some cellphone users destined to develop cancer after years of use? Or is this fear being over-played? For years, I’ve tried to find an unbiased informative source.

Your Good Health: Domestic-violence cases can be difficult to diagnose

Dear Dr. Roach: Having recently changed doctors (due to a move), I filled out a new-patient intake.

Your Good Health: Woman allergic to nickel needs knee replacements

Dear Dr. Roach: My wife is in dire need of knee replacements (arthritis, and bone on bone) but she is allergic to nickel, which is found to some degree in all metals — including titanium — used in replacements.

Your Good Health: Differing atrial fibrillation prescriptions raise concerns

Dear Dr. Roach: I am trying to decide if it would be beneficial for me to get a second opinion about atrial fibrillation treatment.

The Doctor Game: Texas floods offer vital lessons in survival

I recently predicted our planet was doomed due to nuclear holocaust, viral pandemic or azoospermia (lack of sperm). Biology 101 proves that adding 70 million people a year to our world will result in catastrophic consequences.