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Your Good Health: Cancer survivor worries about multiple X-rays

Your Good Health: Cancer survivor worries about multiple X-rays

Dear Dr. Roach: A year ago, I had surgery for bladder cancer, and had a small stroke and pulmonary clot. During this past year, I’ve had five CT scans, three chest X-rays and a couple of other scans to diagnose the stroke and clot.
The Doctor Game: We’ll all be dead if this doesn’t happen

The Doctor Game: We’ll all be dead if this doesn’t happen

What did I learn at my 68th reunion of Harvard Medical School? I learned, from an article written by Stephanie Dutchen, that my brilliant classmate, Melvin Glimcher, physician, engineer and professor, had created the myoelectric elbow.
Your Good Health: Meal-a-day raises questions about balanced diet

Your Good Health: Meal-a-day raises questions about balanced diet

Dear Dr. Roach: I have always heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I never eat breakfast. Most times I eat just once a day, at dinnertime — and no, I don’t pig out then, either.
Your Good Health: Bottle of wine, sleep aid bad news

Your Good Health: Bottle of wine, sleep aid bad news

Dear Dr. Roach: I write to you to try to understand the effects of commingling large amounts of wine — normally a bottle or more — then taking a capful of over-the-counter sleep medicine. He is 78 years old, in excellent health.
Your Good Health: Woman, 82, in pain since 2002 triple bypass

Your Good Health: Woman, 82, in pain since 2002 triple bypass

Dear Dr. Roach: I am an 82-year-old female. In 2002, I had a triple bypass. Something went wrong, and I have been in almost constant pain ever since. The pain is in my chest wall. I also have other health issues, including atrial fibrillation.
Your Good Health: Statins likely beneficial for diabetic

Your Good Health: Statins likely beneficial for diabetic

Dear Dr. Roach: I am writing to inquire about the effects of statins on the body. My husband is a 66-year-old diabetic taking metformin and atorvastatin.
The Doctor Game: Updated facts on hormone replacement therapy

The Doctor Game: Updated facts on hormone replacement therapy

2002 was a worrying year for women who were taking hormone replacement therapy to combat troublesome menopausal symptoms.
Your Good Health: Woman should have blood pressure checked

Your Good Health: Woman should have blood pressure checked

Dear Dr. Roach: At what point is high blood pressure a medical emergency (i.e., needs to be treated today, or at least before, say, going out of the country next week)? I’ve never had an issue with high blood pressure.
Your Good Health: Acne drug Accutane has major side-effects

Your Good Health: Acne drug Accutane has major side-effects

Dear Dr. Roach: Our 31-year-old daughter has fought a losing battle with acne since adolescence. Accutane has been suggested many times, and now she is about to begin treatment. We have always been too afraid of this powerful drug to try it.
Your Good Health: AREDS2’s value for macular degeneration patients debatable

Your Good Health: AREDS2’s value for macular degeneration patients debatable

Dear Dr.