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Hard-to-read drug labels cause more than eye strain

TORONTO — Trying to decipher dose instructions written in small print on prescription medications or over-the-counter drug labels can be a daunting task for people with vision impairment or eyesight dimmed by age, say experts, who warn that squint-pr
Trying to decipher dose instructions written in small print on prescription medication labels can be a daunting task for people with vision impairment or dimming eyesight due to age.

TORONTO — Trying to decipher dose instructions written in small print on prescription medications or over-the-counter drug labels can be a daunting task for people with vision impairment or eyesight dimmed by age, say experts, who warn that squint-producing lettering can lead to potentially serious medication errors.

“I think there are risks for increasing people’s anxiety in taking medications if you can’t read it very clearly, or you have to struggle to read it,” says Susan Leat, a professor in the department of optometry and vision science at the University of Waterloo. “Some people may be able to read it, but it’s just harder than it needs to be or takes them longer.”

Leat says being unable to make out instructions on medication labels may also lead to a lack of independence, as patients have to rely on others to relay the information.

“You have to remember many people are taking two or three medications or more even. Some are taking up to 15 different medications a day,” she says. “They need to sort them out into ‘This one, I take two times, this one I take four times.’

“So having to rely on somebody else to do that because you can’t read the information very well takes away people’s independence, and their privacy as well.”

While there are some guidelines for how pharmacies should present information on drug container labels, legislation in Canada only covers what critical information must appear on packaging — not how it looks.

Font size, whether letters are upper or lower case, word spacing and highlighting of certain words can make a huge difference to legibility, says Leat, who led a recent study that looked at prescription drug labels from a random sampling of 45 pharmacies in Kitchener-Waterloo and Cambridge in southwestern Ontario.

The pharmacies — both those from large chains and independents — were each asked to print out a medication label, using the same made-up patient name, drug and dosage supplied by the researchers.

The authors then analyzed the legibility of what’s known as “patient-critical” information — the instructions for when to take the medication and how much, the name of the drug and the patient’s name.

Leat says more than 90 per cent of the pharmacies followed guidelines for font type — a plain style without flourishes, or sans serif — high-contrast lettering, black instead of coloured print, and non-glossy paper.

“But in terms of some other aspects, they were not so good,” she says.

Many of the labels used all upper-case letters, even though recommendations suggest using sentence-style, which means a combination of upper- and lower-case lettering, as one would see in a book or newspaper.

Spacing was also found to be an issue with some labels, says Leat. “You don’t want the print all squished up together. You want to make the best use of space between the lines of print, because people with vision impairment and older people are generally going to have more difficulty when it’s crowded together.”

Highlighting certain words or phrases, such as instructions that say, for instance, “take two pills, three times a day,” is also helpful.

“But very few actually highlighted the instructions in that way,” she says. “And when they did ... they used grey highlighting, which is not very good. Usually a bright yellow highlighting is probably better to bring people’s attention to that part of the label.”

And when it came to the all-important font size, only 44 per cent met the recommendation to use 12-point lettering, the smallest size considered to provide ease of reading, say the authors, whose paper was published recently in the 91ԭ Pharmacists Journal.

“We should be aiming for a minimum of 12-point, and bigger if possible,” says the optometrist, who ideally would like to see legislation governing how labels must be printed.

Having a standard labelling format among pharmacies would also help consumers, who may get their prescriptions from different drug stores.

“Some of the labels, they put the patient name first and the instructions afterwards,” Leat says. “Some of them put the drug name first and then the patient name. There’s no consistency in where the different pieces of information are on the label.

“So patients would not know where to look on the label to find the particular thing that they’re looking for.”