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Children under 12 should not head the ball in soccer

Dear Dr. Donohue: Recently you wrote about a study that demonstrated possible brain damage from hits to the head that did not cause a concussion. I have grandchildren who play soccer. They don't wear helmets, although they sometimes head the ball.

Dear Dr. Donohue: Recently you wrote about a study that demonstrated possible brain damage from hits to the head that did not cause a concussion. I have grandchildren who play soccer.

They don't wear helmets, although they sometimes head the ball. I am concerned about brain damage. My son is a soccer coach and says there is nothing to worry about. What say you?


Worldwide, soccer is the most popular sport. It's a mix of constant running and skilful handling of the ball, making it an ideal sport for heart health now and in the future.

The question of heading the soccer ball - hitting the ball with the head - causes many to worry about the possibility of brain damage. First, let me say something about concussion. It doesn't mean the athlete has been rendered unconscious. That's a most serious concussion. Lesser concussions show themselves in a loss of memory from before the hit, inability to retain information after the hit, headache or mental fog. Even if these signs clear, they still constitute a concussion.

Concussions in soccer are common. About half of them come from a collision between two players, often the heads of two players. Ball contact with the head accounts for a quarter of these injuries. Head contact with the ground is the third reason for soccer head injuries. The American Academy of Pediatrics produced a paper that exonerates heading as a cause of permanent brain damage. Not all experts agree with this.

What should be done until there is definitive evidence of the danger or lack of danger that comes from heading?

First off, coaches need to teach the proper technique of heading to reduce the force of impact of ball with head. They should not allow children younger than 12 to head. They should minimize heading during practice and during games.

What about helmets? They have been put to the test. They have been shown not to afford much protection to the head and brain.

Dear Dr. Donohue: Will you give your opinion on eating before playing? I play tennis regularly with the same group. Before I play, I always have something to eat. My fellow players tell me I shouldn't. They say that the rise in blood sugar from eating carbohydrates will cause a release of insulin that actually drops blood sugar quickly. According to them, I won't have enough energy to play well.

From my own perception of how I feel, I disagree. How about you?


If you want to eat something before you play and if you find that it keeps you energized when you play, keep it up.

The argument your friends gave you is something often quoted. It's best to eat a snack, a carbohydrate snack, an hour before you play. It will keep you energized during play. However, since your approach works for you, I can't fault it.

Dear Dr. Donohue: The enclosed clipping is one of your articles. In the first question answered, you say, "Stay out of the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., the time of most intense radiation." In the answer to the second question, you say, "The exposure to sun should take place during the most intense hours of sun radiation between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m."

This appears to be a contradiction. Have I missed a subtle difference?


The difference between the two questions isn't very subtle. The first question had to do with suntanning. Those devoted to the process spend hours and hours at it, almost in worshipful adoration of the sun. These people run the risk of coming down with skin cancer later in life.

The second question had to do with the skin's generation of vitamin D on exposure to sunlight. If people expose themselves to six to 15 minutes of sun during the hours of most intense sunlight, then the skin manufactures all the vitamin D people need. And they need do it only two or three times a week.

That amount of sun exposure is not a risk for the development of skin cancer.

Dr. Donohue regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but he will incorporate them in his column whenever possible. Readers may write him at P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 328536475.