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Trevor Hancock: We are deeply connected to and kin with all of life

Trevor Hancock: We are deeply connected to and kin with all of life

We need a reverence for the Earth and all it contains, an awareness of a connection to nature that is, at its heart, spiritual
Monique Keiran: Why monitoring faraway mountain reservoirs is important

Monique Keiran: Why monitoring faraway mountain reservoirs is important

Freshwater storehouses refresh rivers with cool, plentiful water in months when air temperatures are high and water levels tend to be at their lowest
CRD park rangers, police to patrol regional trails on bikes this summer

CRD park rangers, police to patrol regional trails on bikes this summer

Basic trail etiquette includes keeping to the right except to pass, controlling speed (especially on e-bikes), yielding to pedestrians, horse riders and farm equipment, and alerting other users when passing.
Patricia Coppard: Not prepared to share the trail? Feel free to take your chances on the road

Patricia Coppard: Not prepared to share the trail? Feel free to take your chances on the road

Virtually every reader who wrote in agreed something needs to be done about the Wild West that’s developed as fast-moving powered vehicles have proliferated on regional trails.
Crash near Selkirk trestle illustrates need for a traffic circle

Crash near Selkirk trestle illustrates need for a traffic circle

Another cyclist came off Tyee Road onto the Goose, accelerating to make it over the trestle bridge, just as I was coming down the hill out of Banfield Park.
Some cyclists treat other trail users as badly as the worst drivers treat cyclists

Some cyclists treat other trail users as badly as the worst drivers treat cyclists

I slow down when I am around other people on the trails, for their sake and my own.
Inattentive cyclist crashed into mom, daughter and friends walking on Goose

Inattentive cyclist crashed into mom, daughter and friends walking on Goose

The cyclist came up from behind and hit me in the shoulder and my friend in the elbow. The bike landed on top of my daughter, who lay motionless, face down on the trail.
E-bike trail etiquette: Speed is intoxicating, but shouldn't trump courtesy

E-bike trail etiquette: Speed is intoxicating, but shouldn't trump courtesy

Bike lanes and paths and dedicated signage and lights have been a carrot for cyclists, but it’s time for a little stick
Our Community: Cook Street block party, Run for the Cure

Our Community: Cook Street block party, Run for the Cure

There will be two stages at Sunday’s event — one for music and one for magic — and more than 150 artisans, food vendors and businesses are expected to participate
Our Community: Victoria Hospital Foundation raises record $1M; new dock for Elk Lake

Our Community: Victoria Hospital Foundation raises record $1M; new dock for Elk Lake

CRD shows off accessibility features in regional parks; Victoria Hospitals Foundation gala raises a record-breaking $1 million for its Imaging is Power campaign