We asked candidates to fill out a questionnaire about their background and their positions on some issues facing their communities.
Here are their answers, as submitted by them.Ìý
One director will be elected to the Capital Regional District board from each of Electoral Area F (Salt Spring Island), Electoral Area G (Southern Gulf Islands) and Electoral Area H (Juan de Fuca).
One will be elected from Electoral Area F (Salt Spring Island):
- Gary Holman — |
- Robin Williams — |
One will be elected from Electoral Area G (Southern Gulf Islands):
- Ken Hancock — |
- David Howe
One will be elected from Electoral Area H (Juan de Fuca):
- Mike Hicks
- Daniel Yates —
Electoral Area F (Salt Spring Island)
Gary Holman
Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.
Former CRD Director for SSI (2002-08), former MLA Saanich North and the Islands and Spokesperson for Democratic Reform (2013-17). Board member, SSI Conservancy and The Land Conservancy of BC. Chair, Islands Trust Advisory Planning Commission. Member, SSI Ferry Advisory Committee. President, SSI Abbeyfield Society.
Why are you running? What's your motivation?
For the past 30 years, as a community activist, CRD Director and MLA, I have worked with my community to preserve and protect this special place. I recently participated in the successful NO campaign that rejected incorporation, which I believe is an inappropriate governance structure within the Islands Trust area. I felt obligated, and committed during that campaign, to improving governance without weakening the Trust and completing some longstanding projects that have idled for too long.
What are your top three issues?
Completing 7 current affordable housing projects (250 units), which will require resolution of SSI's first ever water moratorium. Completing longstanding infrastructure priorities such as a new fire hall; on island disposal of liquid waste; completion of Ganges cycling/pedestrian paths; expansion of public transit; initiating the CRD Regional Trail. Improving local governance by establishing an elected Local Community Commission and formalizing a CRD-Trust/inter-agency coordinating body.
What's your vision for your community in 25 years?
Complete, walkable villages with upgraded infrastructure separated by protected green space, ALR land, lakes and streams, connected by public transit and pedestrian/cycling paths, with lower reliance on fossil-fueled vehicles, and much lower rates of water and energy consumption. Hundreds of units of affordable housing in or near villages and public transit routes, permanently buffered from market forces. More food and energy self-sufficient, and prepared for climate change impacts.
What's one "big idea" you have for your community?
A Local Community Commission (LCC), an elected at large body which along with the CRD Director, will administer a range of CRD services. Such a body would broaden and increase the capacity of local CRD representation (now only a single CRD Director) without weakening the "preserve and protect" land use mandate of the Islands Trust or Provincial downloading of policing costs and 265 km of poorly built, maintained roads. An LCC could also better coordinate and integrate service delivery.
Robin Williams
Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.
As a semi retired businessman I currently serve six years on the CRD Salt Spring Island Transportation Commission, six years as Chair. In 2016 I was appointed a Trustee of the Islands Trust Conservancy and reaapointed in through 2019. I also serve as the Islands Trust Conservancy designate on the Islands Trust Finacial Planning Committee
Why are you running? What's your motivation?
In the post incorporation era Salt Spring needs a leader who can take the island community forward in a non partisan manner. I have significant experience both with local government but also business particularly finance. Our next Director must understand finance to be successful.
What are your top three issues?
What's your vision for your community in 25 years?
A world leading small island community that has green infrastructure incorporated into all local infrastructure.
What's one "big idea" you have for your community?
The first Satellite facility of the Provincial Museum similar with Firt Nations and local collections.
Electoral Area G (Southern Gulf Islands)
Ken Hancock
Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.
Local Islands Trust Trustee (North Pender) 2005-2008
Electoral Area Director Southern Gulf Islands 2008-2011
Vice Chair Islands Trust Council 2011-2014 Chair, Saturna, Thetis, Galiano & South Pender Local Trust Committees
Why are you running? What's your motivation?
I am running because I am passionate about bringing transparency and meaningful engagement to how the CRD works with and delivers services to islanders.The Southern Gulf Islands have unique, vibrant communities nestled into a very fragile environment. My years serving on the Islands Trust, respecting the preserve & protect mandate, and with the CRD working with locals to deliver vital services, have given me the experience and insights I need to deliver results and accountability. It's time.
What are your top three issues?
Climate change is rapidly outpacing our efforts at carbon reduction and infrastructure adaptation. The CRD can do more.
Nine years ago, at my urging, our islands became contributing members of the CRD Housing Trust Fund. Housing needs have escalated yet not a single unit of affordable housing has materialized. Enough talk, it's time for action.
The Islands Trust and the CRD don't collaborate well or communicate effectively. It's time for our local governments to work together to fill the gaps.
What's your vision for your community in 25 years?
My vision is that our island communities are carbon neutral, vibrant, resilient, with high levels of civic engagement and community cohesion.
I believe that by making the right decisions now, we can ensure that the islands remain healthy, diverse and egalitarian places for people to visit and to live.
What's one "big idea" you have for your community?
That each of the islands utilizes it's own unique opportunities for specialized learning. We already see people of all ages coming to the islands to learn and to study in a peaceful natural environment. We can build on that and have a less seasonal, more year-round knowledge-based economy. Our communities are blessed with an abundance of talented, bright and energetic people living in an astounding setting. The ingredients are there already.
David Howe
Electoral Area H (Juan de Fuca)
Mike Hicks
Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.
Regional director JDF for past 3 terms.
Why are you running? What's your motivation?
I want to finish what I started and cement in the positive changes that we have made in the JDF
What are your top three issues?
The continued struggle to have the JDF acknowledged as it's own entity within the CRD, the extension of water to those residents without, the ongoing debate over increased tanker traffic, survival of the Southern Resident Killer Whales and possible closure of fisheries.
What's your vision for your community in 25 years?
That the JDF has independent governance similar to a municipality and keeps it's rural nature.
What's one "big idea" you have for your community?
We are partnering with our Sooke neighbors and building a new hatchery on the Sooke River. This will go a long way in helping the SRKW population and keep a fishery for our area and our children
Daniel Yates
Tell us about your previous elected and/or community experience.
Over the years I've volunteered and been involved in many organizations. Animals are dear to my heart as we've had rescues my entire life, therefore I've spent nearly the last ten years heavily involved with SAFARS a local group. I've also volunteered as a firefighter and witnessed first-hand the impact strong volunteer organizations can have on our community.
Why are you running? What's your motivation?
For too long have all of us watched as our community changes. Modern problems pose a whole new range of challenges and I realized somebody truly has to dedicate themselves to solutions. Many candidate's ran unopposed including the incumbent in this region. It convinced me that many people have lost interest so it became clear I had to try. If the least I do is inspire some readers, than I did something right. Frankly I feel it's time for a genuine leader like myself. Someone who cares.
What are your top three issues?
Having worked for years with the elderly, and as the son of an aging mother, I'm concerned with the role the elders play in our society. I aim to create events and programs to unite us all.
Increasing transportation options is at the top of my and any agenda. While seeking alternatives I will negotiate to extend the existing bus service.
Income and employment often go hand-in-hand, I will facilitate and streamline applications for income suites, small business and non-profit assistance.
What's your vision for your community in 25 years?
I would hope to see a community which has found balance between nature and man. A place where people and government work as a team addressing the issues which shape our world. I'd like to see a region which has embraced the future changes to come and turned them into a way of life. A new economy based on using our resources with maximum efficiency. I'd like to see Ethanol and fuel production increase using bio-waste; composting and recycling booming; and a community full of hope.
What's one "big idea" you have for your community?
As our last region grows it would be great to see more land allocated for community use. We have a great mineral claims system in BC and I think we could take notes from that system. It would be nice to see small areas available for public use where any citizen could get access to a small plot. Centers run by volunteer and self funded through composting and production. A place people could farm or work, basically take the community garden idea and scale it much larger.
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