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Editorials Archive

Editorial: Let voters know who is donating

Donating to a political campaign is an important issue. Voters should have information about donations — who and how much — before they mark their ballots. Candidates in B.C.

Editorial: Homelessness costs can be cut

At a time when 91Ô­´´s are living in unprecedented wealth, freedom and safety, it is a national disgrace that more than 235,000 people suffer homelessness and countless others face precarious housing situations.

Editorial: Salmon a sign of Gorge success

An abundance of coho jumping in the Gorge Waterway is proof that nature, once damaged by pollution and habitat destruction, can recover. But it’s also a reminder that vigilance over vulnerable ecosystems should not be relaxed.

Editorial: Residency not an election issue

Residency is not a requirement to be a candidate in B.C. municipal elections. While that has the potential for a few awkward situations, of more importance than residency is a candidate’s suitability for the job.

Editorial: Ensure mailbox security

Canada Post’s decision to phase out home delivery in favour of community mailboxes isn’t the end of the world — two-thirds of 91Ô­´´s already get their mail at grouped mailboxes, lobby boxes or rural mailboxes, and the sun continues to rise each da

Editorial: Policing bill comes up short

If the B.C. government wants to ensure the effectiveness of integrated policing units, adequate funding would help. But the better approach for Greater Victoria would be to insist that the area’s seven police departments become one regional force.

Editorial: Municipal costs need watching

With local mayors and councillors up for re-election, it might be timely to look at their spending habits. We tend to think of provincial and federal ministries as the really big beasts.

Editorial: Mental illness a security threat

As more information emerges, the more it becomes clear that the gunfire on Parliament Hill on Wednesday was as much about mental illness and addiction as it was terrorism. That the attack was shocking and frightening is not in doubt.

Editorial: Freedom means enduring risks

In the aftermath of Wednesday’s shootings in Ottawa and Monday’s attack in Quebec, security will be tightened at the Parliament buildings, the B.C. legislature and other public places.

Editorial: Peace can’t be taken for granted

The fight against terrorism is no longer something that happens “over there.